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13 May 2010 21:46


Music: Andy Rooney of “60 Minutes” officially the oldest man alive

  • “How come I don’t know any of the bands on the Billboard chart? Who’s Lady Gaga?  Where’s my oatmeal? Get off my lawn! And change my Depends!”

04 Oct 2009 23:57


Politics: Max Headroom: Explain the UN’s relevance, U.S. ambassador!

  • What’s the point? U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice tries to explain in a no-BS fashion why the United Nations is more than just a spot for Libya’s leader to rant for hours.

  • What’s the point? U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice tries to explain in a no-BS fashion why the United Nations is more than just a spot for Libya’s leader to rant for hours.

  • Reveling in failure Bill Kristol seems ready to pounce on Obama for his Olympic push. He compares him to George W. Bush, which just caused our brains to painfully implode. Uh … WHAT?

  • What’s the point? U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice tries to explain in a no-BS fashion why the United Nations is more than just a spot for Libya’s leader to rant for hours.

  • Reveling in failure Bill Kristol seems ready to pounce on Obama for his Olympic push. He compares him to George W. Bush, which just caused our brains to painfully implode. Uh … WHAT?

  • Trashing Glenn Beck James Carville straight-up calls Glenn Beck nuts around 1:42. It’s an epic rant, one that makes us all warm and fuzzy inside. One of our favorite Carville rants ever.

22 Feb 2009 21:25


Culture: Let’s hope Mickey Rourke wins tonight so he does this again

  • He is one tough son of a &(%^* and he don’t like it when I say that ’cause he goes, ‘Mickey, you’ll scare all the other actors away from me.’ But Darren, you know what, if they ain’t got the balls to bring it, then &*^& ’em, you know.
  • Mickey Rourke • discussing “The Wrestler” director Darren Aronofsky during his best actor acceptance speech at the Independent Spirit Awards last night. Rourke’s lengthy rant also included odes to his dead Chihuahua and a plea to give Eric Roberts a second chance, too. He’s up for a best actor Oscar tonight, too. • source

20 Feb 2009 16:43


Biz, U.S.: Rick Santelli speaks (loudly) for the true fiscal conservatives

  • We’re thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July. All you capitalists that wanna show up to Lake Michigan, I’m organizing. We’re gonna be dumping in some derivative securities, what do you think about that?
  • Rick Santelli • CNBC analyst, on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange yesterday. He was railing against the idea of Obama’s $75 billion foreclosure plan, designed to help people from losing their homes. We have to admit that we may not necessarily agree with what he’s saying, we sure love the way he said it. It’s fun to hear him rant. • source