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23 Nov 2009 23:51


Politics: Anonymous Kurt Greenbaum critic: Privacy is important

  • The fact that the St. Louis Post-Dispatch would allow this to happen just shows how completely out of touch they are with the Internet and the modern world.
  • The anonymous author of “Kurt Greenbaum is a #&(&@” • Describing their feelings on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s handling of the Kurt Greenbaum incident. As you recall, Greenbaum called a commenter’s employer and got them fired. The person behind the site emphasizes two things: One, commenters should be allowed their privacy, and two, the Post-Dispatch’s policies are old hat at best. source

21 Nov 2009 16:40


Politics: STLToday’s Kurt Greenbaum: First class bad word we can’t repeat here.

  • First rule of journalism: Don’t make yourself part of the story. Guess which rule the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s social media editor broke? As the so-called internet hate machine closes in on a guy who cost another guy his job for a pretty petty reason, we think there are a few things to learn from the whole ordeal.
  • one Don’t make yourself part of the story. The second Greenbaum decided to look up a reader’s IP address and took matters into his own hands, the story stopped being about the comment and started being about the admitted narc. Bad move, buddy.
  • two Don’t violate your readers’ trust. People go to your site with the belief that they won’t get screwed over. In fact, the St. Louis Post Dispatch’s own privacy policy promises this. When you decide to be the morality police, you violate a reader’s trust.
  • three Expect a swift, painful response. Not long after our boy Kurt did this, he felt retribution from all corners of the interweb, including Reddit and Digg. And honestly, he should lose his job. He turned a minor issue into a policy-breaking debacle. source

07 Sep 2009 22:53


Offbeat: Catstravaganza ’09: Five things you should know about 09/09/09

  • Urlesque thinks it can make “fetch” happen by trying to convince sites to not post cat stuff on 09/09/09. Well, much like the cat in the video above, felines aren’t going out like that. Neither are we. Here’s five things you need to know about our counter-protest, the Catstravaganza:

    1. We’ll still post news, but the bulk of our posts on Wednesday will be cat-related. We swear, our timing will be nothing less than purrfect.
    2. Cats have nine lives, and 09/09 is nine squared. And 09/09/09? Well, it’s nine cubed. Which means that the ante has been upped. Any attempts to kill their influence on that day will be futile and if nothing else will make the cats scratch back even harder.
    3. Tell the world about the Catstravganza by sending them a Tweet. The #catstravaganza hashtag will be heavily used in the operation.
    4. Have something cat-related that the world must know about? E-mail it to us. We’ll help it claw up to the top.
    5. Best of all, guys: We have an official badge you can throw on your blog. Support the Catstravaganza with the love of linkage.

    Catstravaganza '09: Now it's purrsonal

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01 Jun 2009 23:14


Sports: Why we loooooove Charles Barkley, reason No. 353,759

  • While Charles often makes jokes about his producer during our telecasts, he used poor judgment on Saturday during our NBA coverage. His comment was inappropriate and TNT apologizes to our viewers. We have spoken with Charles privately about it and will not have any further comment.
  • TNT • In a statement about their NBA coverage and its greatest asset, Charles Barkley, who, despite the DUI and the golf swing, is pretty much the coolest former NBA star ever. He called his producer a five-letter word that starts with a “p” on air, and he gets a slap on the wrist. That rules. • source