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16 Jul 2010 10:22


Music: Vampire Weekend’s cover model: I’m suing you jerks!

  • The thing about this photo, which Vampire Weekend made the cover of their second album, is that it looks like it could’ve been taken at any moment in the last year. People like this still exist. But no, it was taken in 1983. And now, Kirsten Kennis, the presumably middle-aged woman in the photo, has reportedly sued the band to the tune of $2 million, claiming the photographer forged her signature on the contract and the band never verified it was hers. source

22 Apr 2009 23:08


U.S.: OK guys, we have a theory on what killed those polo horses.

  • Three vials of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis, a virus that makes horses very sick, recently disappeared from Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, a fort that houses hundreds of virus samples. The disease spreads to humans through mosquitoes and also makes humans sick. source

20 Apr 2009 10:07


Offbeat: What the heck killed all these dead horses?

  • 21 horses died before a polo match; none were beaten source

13 Mar 2009 00:52


Culture: The Woz is suffering for his “Dancing With the Stars” art

  • Karina wanted me to drive in cars and not use the Segway. After first opposing this, I came around. I have seen a lot of things to know that I can trust her. I’m glad that I have largely switched to car travel now.
  • Steve Wozniak • On taking a break from using a Segway to travel around everywhere after he fractured his stupid foot while dancing. Oh, and in case you want to vote for his terrible dancing abilities, check out his official Facebook group. • source