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05 Jun 2009 10:13


World: Gordon Brown is dreaming of ways to make himself look better

Everyone’s favorite British PM under fire is shaking up his cabinet in an attempt to get past his sucky week. Good luck, brah. source

04 Jun 2009 21:56


World: British prime minister Gordon Brown has like zero support

  • I now believe your continued leadership makes a Conservative victory more, not less likely. That would be disastrous for our country.
  • Work and Sensions Secretary James Purnell • Who, in a very harshly-written letter to the media, asked Gordon Brown to resign. If it were just Purnell doing this, it’d be a big deal, but he’s only the fifth Labour Party member to resign from Brown’s government this week. WTF dude? Can’t you keep it together? Need a hug or something? Labour Party support is at historic lows, BTW. • source

07 Mar 2009 10:52


World: Zimbabwe PM Tsvangirai needed an escort, his party says

  • Logic would have demanded that police escort be provided to the prime minister to warn other traffic and this tragedy could have been avoided.
  • Tendai Biti • General-secretary of PM Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change. While Morgan survived with injuries and is out of the hospital, his wife Susan died. The MDC will investigate the crash, which happened in part because the driver was apparently asleep at the wheel. Zimbabwe can’t seem to get a freakin’ break. • source

06 Mar 2009 12:53


World: Zimbabwe PM Morgan Tsvangirai’s wife killed in car wreck

  • What happened? The car carrying Morgan Tsvangirai, an aide and his wife Susan got into a head-on collision with a truck. They were carrying the opposition leader to Buhera, Tsvangirai’s hometown. Tsvangirai, the aide and the driver were seriously hurt, but they are not discussing the extent of the injuries as of yet – hopefully it’s not too bad. source
  • What happened? The car carrying Morgan Tsvangirai, an aide and his wife Susan got into a head-on collision with a truck. They were carrying the opposition leader to Buhera, Tsvangirai’s hometown. Tsvangirai, the aide and the driver were seriously hurt, but they are not discussing the extent of the injuries as of yet – hopefully it’s not too bad.
  • Why this might be bad Zimbabwe is a country that can’t seem to get a break. The government, long led by president and hyperinflation expert Robert Mugabe, recently brought Tsvangirai on as prime minister. And that whole process hasn’t been without its drama. So while there’s no evidence of foul play yet, it wouldn’t be surprising. source