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02 Apr 2010 19:00


Biz: Florida’s housing boom, brought to you by crappy Chinese drywall

  • 3,000+ complaints have been filed
    about poor quality, hydrogen
    sulfide-loaded drywall from China;
    the drywall corroded wires and
    made people sick
  • 80% of those complaints are from
    Florida (which once had a housing
    boom) and Louisiana (which rebuilt
    a lot of homes after Hurricane
    Katrina) source

21 Nov 2009 13:11


U.S.: The Senate’s Democratic health holdouts are droppin’ like flies

  • 59 Democrat-caucusing Senators favor bring this bill to the floor
  • one Democrat-caucusing SenatorMary Landrieu – just offered her support source

08 Nov 2009 20:16


U.S.: I’d uh, get out of Louisiana if I were you. Hurricane Ida’s coming.

The hurricane-ravaged state, still smarting from Hurricane Katrina four years later, called a state of emergency already. Hopefully the Category 2 doesn’t get stronger. source

07 Nov 2009 23:40


Politics: Wikipedia moves faster on Joseph Cao than everyone else

  • When you Google Joseph Cao, the text that comes up in the search says, ‘Joseph Cao has no family. He was born of Satan and lost a soul the day he voted against republicans. Cao’s father, My Quang Cao (born 1931), …’
  • An unsigned Wikipedia comment on the Joseph Cao talk page • Noting the speed at which his page was updated to come across as an evil liberal-supporting spawn of Satan. We hope that Mr. Cao threw baseballs around with his satanic father every once in a while. (Via @andrewottoson) • source

03 Nov 2009 21:39


U.S.: Justice for interracial-barring justice of the peace in Louisiana

  • The heavily-criticized Keith Bardwell resigned today. The justice of the peace submitted his resignation in person to Louisiana’s Secretary of State. Bardwell has been under fire since refusing to perform the marriage of Beth Humphrey and Terence McKay last month. The couple, which married under a different justice, sued Bardwell and his wife, saying they violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. While Bardwell stands behind his actions, he resigned “because they was going to take me to court, and I was going to lose.” Smart move. source

16 Oct 2009 11:44


U.S.: An interracial couple was denied the right to marry. In 2009.

  • He’s an elected public official and one of his duties is to marry people. He doesn’t have the right to say he doesn’t believe in it.
  • Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, NAACP branch president Patricia Morris • Regarding Justice of the Peace Keith Bardwell, who would not issue a marriage license to an interracial couple last week. He claimed he wasn’t being racist, but simply thinking of the children. Likely story. Anyway, Bardwell, an elected official, legally is to perform weddings without bias or prejudice, neither of which he did in this situation. • source

05 Aug 2009 23:33


U.S.: William Jefferson’s freezer didn’t protect him from a conviction

  • 11 of the 16 charges against the lamest congressman ever stuck source

07 Jun 2009 22:45


U.S., World: Perhaps NOLA mayor Ray Nagin shouldn’t have gone to China

  • good idea
  • bad luck

25 Mar 2009 10:22


Politics, U.S.: It’s been a while since Bobby Jindal’s come up. Here’s an update.

  • My answer to the question is very simple: ‘Do you want the president to fail?’ It depends on what he is trying to do.
  • Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal • Talking to members of his party last night about whether Rush Limbaugh’s stance on Barack Obama is worthy of criticism. Jindal, post-response, is still dipping his feet into the possibility of a presidential run. • source

25 Feb 2009 21:12


U.S.: Jindal’s volcano remark: An erupting dramabomb

  • $140 million? Necessary? Uh, yeah, dude. Last night, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal made a critical comment about an appropriation in the stimulus bill for “volcano monitoring” during his rebuttal to President Obama’s speech. But locals near major volcanoes say the money is necessary to prepare for natural disasters – something critics say Jindal should know about, given his state’s recent history with Hurricane Katrina. Plus, the money would create jobs, one expert notes. Jindal isn’t backing down, though. source