We don’t have any cash reserves now. And we still owe money on our houses.
Ian Thiermann • A 90-year-old California man who lost his $750,000 life savings in Madoff’s scheme and now works in a grocery store to make ends meet. Yeah, that’s right, he’s 90 and works in a grocery store. • source
Six degrees of separation wasn’t enough. Bacon is just one of the famous names that shows up on a 162-page document listing those who lost money in Bernard Madoff’s investment scheme. Madoff, currently being held under house arrest in New York City after losing more than $50 billion in investor’s money, is accused of masterminding the biggest financial fraud in history. source
$5.5 billionamount that Ford blew through in the fourth quarter; they’re the only Detroit automaker not to take a bailout, and they had a huge loss last quarter source
Was Thomas backed into a corner or in a bad mood when he said those things? I don’t know, but ripping Thomas is not my nature.
Brett Favre • in response to comments last week by teammate Thomas Jones, who claimed that Favre should have been benched during the disastrous end to the Jets’ 2008 season • source