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11 Apr 2011 14:45


World: Hundreds protest Syrian crackdown at Damascus University

  • The scene in Syria: Hundreds of students have begun protesting, rallying around Damascus University in support of those shot and killed by Bashar al-Assad’s government in its violent response to pro-democracy protests. In past days, there have been many hectic reports of government forces firing on and killing both civilians, as well as military personnel. Al Jazeera reports that many present have said the government’s security forces fired upon the Syrian Army because the army wouldn’t open fire on civilians. source

01 Apr 2011 18:26


U.S.: Koran-burning Terry Jones linked to Afghanistan killings

  • Thoughts on placing blame: Eleven people, among them U.N. officials, were killed in the Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif today. ABC News reports the killings occurred after a crowd of people protesting Pastor Terry Jones were informed of his completed Koran burnings. To be clear, what Terry Jones did in burning the Koran was at best a crass publicity stunt and at worse bigoted antagonism, and before he did it U.S. military figures warned of possible violent outcomes. He bears a responsibility for his actions, actions which in the strictest literal sense seem to have caused horrific destruction. It should be said, though, that burning a book in almost any definition of civil society can’t be grounds for murder, no matter your affinity for the words printed inside. Keeping this in perspective is important in an honest, nuanced debate on these issues. source

29 Mar 2011 13:50


World: Gaddafi rachets up violence; explosions in Tripoli

  • explosions heard in libyan capitol: For the first time since the Libyan rebellion began against Muammar Gaddafi, a series of explosions were heard in Tripoli during daylight hours. Reporting indicates there were three loud blasts, over the course of about twenty minutes. This comes amidst generally dire news for the Libyan rebellion, to say nothing of the citizenry; a witness tells CNN that a large scale butchery has gone on in Misrata, with Gaddafi’s forces killing civilians and driving them from their homes in a bid to claim control. source

19 Aug 2009 09:49


World: Baghdad’s latest attack was pretty epic, in a bad way

  • 75+ people died in the blasts, which all happened near high-profile targets source

11 Aug 2009 20:20


World: A Brazilian TV show host lives life like a “Murder, She Wrote” episode

  • Manaus can no longer live with this wave of crime. Nowadays everyone is killing.
  • Brazilian politician and TV host Wallace Souza • On his TV show “Canal Livre.” His show had this uncanny tendency to be first on the scene of a crime, so much so that authorities are investigating him and the show for actually committing the crimes that they reported. The crimes conveniently had a tendency of proving his point and boosting his ratings. Sure, Souza’s possibly a bad guy, but the real bad guy is Jessica Fletcher. Every time she showed up in some random small town, somebody died! He basically just recycled the script. The real crime here is plagarism, kids. • source

03 Apr 2009 16:45


U.S.: Many dead in scary, tense Binghamton, N.Y. shooting

  • 12+ people, including the gunman, were killed in the upstate N.Y. shooting rampage source