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31 Dec 2010 19:52


U.S.: Texas bank hostage situation ends without a hitch

  • Hey, suspects who held this bank hostage for hours: Guess what the army of police officers did when they finally caught you. That’s right, they Chased you out of there! Ha ha ha ha ha, we’re so clever, we’ve been saving that one up for hours. By the way, one hostage was minorly injured but the suspects were caught and every other hostage (including the one above) was safe, with some released while the incident was still taking place. source

31 Dec 2010 16:55


U.S.: Texas bank robbery: Thirty officers for every hostage inside

  • one gunman holding up a Texas bank
  • two hostages are inside with the gunman
  • 60 officers outside; don’t screw this up source

14 Dec 2010 23:22


U.S.: Worst gunman ever: Guy holds up meeting, opens fire, misses

  • Look. This was a scary incident. This guy, Clay Duke, could’ve hurt a lot of people. But … man. This video makes us wonder. He started firing, and managed to hit absolutely nobody. They initially thought he was firing blanks at the Panama City, Fla. school board members … but no. He’s just perhaps the worst gunman ever. (That giant, inexplicable “V” on the wall? Also Duke’s handiwork.) During the incident, a security guard shot at Duke, who later shot himself in the head and died. And we have the entire thing on video. Wanna know more? Well, a reporter on the scene wrote an entertaining, colorful eyewitness account. Worth the read. source

18 Sep 2010 12:03


World: Iran hostages: Ahmadinejad wants the U.S. to scratch his back

  • From a moral viewpoint, there is an expectation that the US takes a step … There is an expectation in public opinion to release some of them.
  • Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • Suggesting that he might let the other two hikers go if the U.S. lets go some of the Iranian hostages they’re holding. At last count, Iran said that 11 hostages were in U.S. custody. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a pretty good response to Ahmadinejad’s request, regarding the other two hikers still being held: “It would be a very significant humanitarian gesture for the Iranians to release them as well,” she said. Oh, come on! Nobody expects it to be that easy! source

01 Sep 2010 19:02


23 Aug 2010 09:32


World: Dramatic hostage situation in the Philippines ends dramatically

In case you’re wondering, this dramatic scene didn’t end well for the hostage-taker (who was killed) … or some of the hostages (at least two died). source

08 Apr 2009 20:48


World: How many hostages are currently being held by Somali pirates?

  • 200+ crew members on 12 ships, on top of the U.S. one source

03 Apr 2009 16:55


U.S.: From the scene of the Binghamton, N.Y. shooting

  • I’m really shaky, because this kind of thing – it’s a small city, it’s a beautiful city, but nothing goes down serious like this.
  • Rashidun Haque • Owner of a convenience store near the shooting site, an immigration services center in Binghamton, N.Y. Haque’s customers had to stay inside and away from windows. This sounds like hell on earth. *whew* • source

03 Apr 2009 16:45


U.S.: Many dead in scary, tense Binghamton, N.Y. shooting

  • 12+ people, including the gunman, were killed in the upstate N.Y. shooting rampage source

30 Mar 2009 10:30


World: This attack on a Pakistani police academy sounds insane

  • 19 people died in the incident, including eight police, three civilians and eight militants; 90 were wounded in the attacks source