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22 Nov 2011 10:53


World: South African parliament passes controversial secrecy law

  • cause The South African parliament passed a bill on Tuesday that they say is intended to “save lives, to enhance and to protect the freedom and security of persons, to bring criminals to justice, to protect the national security and to engage in effective government and diplomacy.” Jacob Zuma is expected to sign it into law.
  • reaction The bill has further strained the relationship between the press and the government. Many believe the law is an attempt to shield the country’s elite from criticism and prevent whistleblowing. A number of anti-apartheid leaders  have also come out against the bill, including Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, who called it “insulting.” source

30 May 2011 11:28


World: Libya: Can South African president Jacob Zuma pull off a deal?

Our boy is reportedly in Libya to try to broker a power-sharing deal between Gaddafi and the rebels. Will the South African president’s presence get Gaddafi (shown) to budge? source

10 Apr 2011 20:34


World: Jacob Zuma throws himself head-first into Gaddafi dramarama

  • The brother leader’s delegation has accepted the roadmap as presented by us. We have to give cease-fire a chance.
  • South African President Jacob Zuma • Pushing to get folks to back a peace plan that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has agreed to. The plan, which could lead to a cease-fire, may be just what Libya needed. Now we’re sure Zuma, representing the African Union, probably has a better handle on Gaddafi than most, but we’re going to say that this probably isn’t going to be particularly effective. And Zuma has a history of backing a soft-pedal approach to leaders that probably don’t deserve it. Robert Mugabe for starters. We’re sure Morgan Tsvangirai feels pretty good about Zuma’s help in that situation right now. source

04 Apr 2010 11:58


World: Apartheid figure Eugene Terreblanche brutally murdered

Terreblanche, a neo-Nazi who tried to block the end of Apartheid in South Africa, was brutally murdered last night. President Jacob Zuma told his country to stay calm. source

07 Feb 2010 09:18


World: Jacob Zuma’s sorry about breaking his polygamist marriage vows

  • I deeply regret the pain that I have caused to my family, the ANC, the Alliance and South Africans in general. The matter, though private, has … put a lot of pressure on my family and my organization, the African National Congress.
  • South African President Jacob Zuma • Regarding the revelation that, despite his status as a polygamist, he managed to have a child with a woman who is not his wife. He has three wives and 19 children, and while the practice is legal in the country (and common among Zulus like Zuma), it’s also pretty controversial and provides critics of Zuma with an easy target. It also makes the John Edwards thing look tame. source