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03 Oct 2011 18:22


Culture: Donald Lapre, “king of infomercials,” found dead in his prison cell

  • then Back in June, a prolific television pitchman named Donald Lapre (who dubbed himself the “king of infomercials”) was charged with 41 counts of mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering — the result of his scheme to market a bogus “Greatest Vitamin in the World.”
  • now Mapre was found dead in his prison cell in Arizona, of an apparent suicide. He was imprisoned for missing his initial court date for the charges; his trial had been scheduled for tomorrow. Authorities are investigating how he may have killed himself. source

10 Dec 2009 02:33


Offbeat: The “Handjob”: Infomercials learn the value of a really dirty joke

  • Well, that makes the ShamWow guy seem tame. It’s official. This innuendo-laden, on-the-edge-of-safe-for-work infomercial is currently our favorite infomercial ever. Dang, and we wanted to buy a Magic Bullet, too.

27 Aug 2009 11:23


Offbeat: Because Snuggies don’t appeal to white trash enough …

  • “Designer” Snuggies Whoever designed these Snuggies clearly wasn’t aiming for the runway, although the image of Snuggie monks walking around the catwalk is hilarious.

  • “Designer” Snuggies Whoever designed these Snuggies clearly wasn’t aiming for the runway, although the image of Snuggie monks walking around the catwalk is hilarious.

  • Snuggies for dogs If you want to make your dogs feel less ashamed of themselves, put them inside of an ugly sweater. Make sure it’s argyle. And tight, you evil pet owner.

01 Aug 2009 11:34


Culture: Fred Willard, that icon of cheese, has work again – on YouTube!

  • Willard, known his killer roles in Christopher Guest mock-docs, isn’t above doing ad work, and honestly we wouldn’t have it any other way, considering how awesome these FedEx infomercial parodies are.source

28 Jun 2009 13:50


Culture: Billy Mays’ son, @youngbillymays, broke the news of his dad’s passing

  • My dad didn’t wake up this morning.. I’m sure you’ll all hear about it. It hasn’t yet hit me but it’s about to.
  • Billy Mays III • Who wrote about his dad’s death via Tweet. Mays, who says “All the support from you guys does help,” reported the news of his father’s passing hours before the mainstream media got to it. It’s the nature of the medium. • source

07 Jun 2009 23:06


Offbeat: Infomercial junk: The Wearable Towel snuggies into your life

  • Not content with blankets with sleeves, America now has a new option: A towel with arm openings that begs for levels of parody not yet seen in our society. You can wear it like at toga! How can you not love this freaking towel?source

27 Mar 2009 22:13


Culture, Offbeat: Here’s our favorite parts of the ShamWow infomercial

  • “Made in Germany! You know the Germans always make good stuff.” source
  • “It just does the work! Why do you want to work twice as hard?” source
  • “Without putting any pressure, 50% of the cola, right there.” source
  • “It acts like a vacuum; and look at this; virtually dry on the bottom.” source
  • “This lasts ten years, this lasts a week!” source

27 Mar 2009 22:03


Culture, Offbeat: “Sham-oww! Stop biting my tongue, you crazy prostitute!”

Craziest story ever. This guy sells ShamWow towels on TV. He was with a prostitute. She tried biting off his tongue. Really. source