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13 Mar 2010 21:05


Tech: Dear New York Times, can you put this illustration on a T-shirt?

  • This image (which we cropped) is from an article the New York Times wrote about how Google and Apple are at odds with one another because Steve Jobs thinks Google stole its technology. Daniel Adel, please consider putting this on Threadless. We’d buy it. source

13 Mar 2010 11:24


Tech, World: What are the odds that Google will leave China, anyway?

  • 99.9% that’s a lot of nines, guys source

10 Mar 2010 10:51


Tech: To those who bike, Google Maps (finally) salutes you

  • No. 1 biking trails’ rank on the
    most-requested Google Maps
    features list (hiking is next)
  • 150 number of cities that will
    finally be getting bike trails
    of their own source

04 Mar 2010 10:29


Tech: Google’s ready to stick a fork in the desktop computer

  • In three years time, desktops will be irrelevant. In Japan, most research is done today on smart phones, not PCs.
  • Google Europe sales chief John Herlihy • Forecasting the future of the Internet. Simply put, he doesn’t think desktops or laptops have a long shelf life. He claimed that cloud computing would eventually become powerful enough that it would allow people to do just about anything on their phones. The statement, of course, is pretty controversial. We don’t even agree, and we like Google a lot. source

03 Mar 2010 21:16


Tech: HTC: Apple’s patent lawsuit couldn’t have happened to a nicer company

  • This is what happens in Silicon Valley. When you’re big enough to become a threat, I’ll slap a suit on you sometimes just to slow you down.
  • Yuanta Securities head of Greater China research Gary Chia • Regarding the lawsuit Apple brought against HTC. The Taiwanese company, best-known for making cell phones for Google’s Android software (including the Nexus One), is considered one of the island’s best-managed technology companies. The patent suit could really hurt their profile, which has been rising lately. It’s totally unfair, too, because it’s clearly a proxy war against Google, who is the REAL source of Apple’s patent grief. source

02 Mar 2010 22:37


Tech: We’re following Topeka’s lead, changing our name to Google

  • We’ve thought long and hard about it these last fifteen minutes. Dear Google, we want on the fast broadband gravy train just like Topeka, and we feel that we have a surefire way to ensure that we get on said gravy train. That’s right. We’re changing our name to Google. ShortFormBlog had a good run these last fourteen months, but we all know that you can’t take anything to chance when fast internet is on the line. We’re still working out the details of transferring the domain name over from the old owner (they won’t sell, but we hope we can get them to budge), but let us from now on be known as Google. Unofficially.

02 Mar 2010 21:54


Tech: Topeka, Kansas willing to change name to “Google” for fast Internet

Sure, it’s not real. Sure, it’s a gimmick. But how many largeish cities do you see changing their name to Taco Bell for free Chalupas? Just sayin’. source

02 Mar 2010 10:21


Tech: Apple sues Nexus One maker HTC: Get yo popcorn ready!

  • Oh boy, this could get ugly. HTC, which produces a number of Google Android phones (including the Nexus One) was sued by the iPhone maker for violating 20 Apple patents. “We can sit by and watch competitors steal our patented inventions, or we can do something about it. We’ve decided to do something about it,” noted Steve Jobs. “We think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours.” Holy crap. Did you hear that SLAAAAAAAPPPPP? source

26 Feb 2010 14:45


Biz: Google’s rich employees are paying their money forward

  • 200 Google-worker-rooted startups since 2005 source

24 Feb 2010 10:41


Tech: Italy’s mind(#(& of a decision on YouTube video just wrong

  • We will appeal this astonishing decision because the Google employees on trial had nothing to do with the video in question. Throughout this long process, they have displayed admirable grace and fortitude. It is outrageous that they have been subjected to a trial at all.
  • Google’s VP and Deputy General Counsel in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Matt Sucherman • Regarding a decision by Italian courts to criminally convict three Google employees for allowing a video to be posted to YouTube. The video showed schoolboys making fun of an autistic classmate. Despite the fact that Google took it down, the Italian court convicted them anyway – for not having a process of pre-screening videos so it would go up in the first place. In other words, kids, this ruling goes against everything that makes the Internet a cool place. If we were Google, we’d pull out of the Italian market entirely, just to show leadership there how ass-backwards this decision is. We’re sure that after two or three days without cat videos, there will be riots in the streets. Awful decision, Italy. source