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11 May 2009 00:51


Tech: To Google Android users: Today’s a big day for an upgrade

  • Google’s Android mobile operating system is up to Version 1.5, a version claims really should have been called 2.0 considering the hefty feature upgrades. source
  • The upgrade, released last month, finally comes to T-Mobile’s G1 phone today. The upgrade brings virtual keyboards, video recording (and sharing!) and voice search. Spiffy. source

25 Apr 2009 11:14


Tech: Google’s G1 is no iPhone, but T-Mobile likes its sales figures a lot

  • 1 million people own one – two-thirds of all 3G devices T-Mobile sells source

06 Feb 2009 08:43


Tech: Google opens up a huge library at your smudgy fingertips

  • Watch out, Kindle. Google, as you might have heard, is on a roll this week. (Way to make up for that whole malware thing, guys.) Anyway, the company has made their Google Book Search available for mobile phones such as the iPhone and G1, which, with its 1.5 million book library, should give you something to do on the Metro. source