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09 Mar 2011 14:40


World: Grim deathtoll in wake of Taliban’s funeral sneak attack

  • 36+ killed in a suicide bombing by the Pakistani Taliban source
  • » And at a funeral, no less. A teenager reportedly detonated himself while pretending to attend a Pakistani funeral service, which was being held by an anti-Taliban group in the country’s northwest. The funeral’s proximity to the Taliban and al-Qaeda’s safe havens within Pakistan made it a natural target. Our deepest condolences to all those killed in this most horrible attack.

11 Dec 2010 22:05


Culture: Elizabeth Edwards remembered warmly during funeral

  • She would do anything in the world to protect all of us, no matter what the personal cost was to her.
  • Catharine Edwards • Speaking during a eulogy for her mother, Elizabeth.  As you might guess, today was a particularly somber day for the Edwards family, but it was one that the family was well-prepared for. Elizabeth wrote a years-in-the-works letter to her kids which included this message: “You are complete joy to me. I hope you will always know that. Wherever I am, wherever you are, I have my arms wrapped around you.” If only more parents cared this much about their families. In related news, John Edwards was there, too. source

02 Jul 2010 21:12


U.S.: Obama’s eulogy for Robert Byrd was pretty darn touching

  • He said: ‘There are things I regretted in my youth; you may – you may know that.’ And I said: ‘None of us are absent some regrets, senator. That’s why we enjoy and seek the grace of God.’
  • President Barack Obama • Giving the eulogy at Sen. Robert Byrd’s funeral in Charleston, West Virginia on Friday. He further noted that his indiscretions were made up for over time. “As I reflect on the full sweep of his 92 years, it seems to me that his life bent towards justice,” he said. Bill Clinton also spoke a little too, noting his KKK affiliation directly – he was the only speaker that did. But then again, a black president spoke at his funeral. So that’s definitely something to be said about the power of redemption. source

05 Mar 2010 22:00


Tech: The IE6 funeral went without a hitch, and even had some awesome

Someone at Microsoft, thankfully, has a sense of humor. Know that IE6 funeral yesterday? The Internet Explorer team sent flowers. Which rocks. source

04 Mar 2010 10:19


Tech: Rest in peace, old browser: There’s an IE6 funeral today

  • Get to Denver tonight to pay your last respects. A couple of jokesters have decided to make a point about how much IE6 sucks by holding a funeral for it. The browser, which will soon no longer be supported by the likes of YouTube, is still popular despite having a bad reputation. Blame corporate environments that NEVER upgrade their machines. source

02 Feb 2010 13:58


Offbeat: Death of an old design: has a funeral for its site

  • More sites need to have funerals for old designs when they retire them, much like (a shoe/clothing company) did when they killed their old-school design. Microsoft should also consider doing something like this for Internet Explorer 6. (hat tip @ohmykevin)

21 Dec 2009 09:55


World: Thousands of Iranians attend Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri’s funeral

  • He died at exactly the right time. He will be revered for his courage, and his example is likely to restore some of the clergy’s prestige.
  • Strayer University Iran Expert Rasool Nafisi • On yestersday’s death of cleric Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri. Montazeri, who was 87, died at a moment where more energy is focused on Iran’s dissident movement than has been in years. And he was a huge part of it, because he didn’t tow the hard line’s politics. Thousands showed up at his funeral today, just like many showed up after Iran election protests. source

26 Nov 2009 11:19


U.S.: Many are thankful for Shaq paying for Shaniya Davis’ funeral

  • The funeral On Sunday, more than 2,000 people showed up to Davis’ funeral – a sad, disturbing end for the five-year-old girl. It came out yesterday that the NBA star paid for the funeral.
  • The backstory Davis, of Fayetteville, North Carolina, went missing earlier this month and was found six days later in a wooded area. She was a victim of child prostitution and kidnapping.
  • The charges
    Mario McNeill was arrested for the murder, with video evidence implicating him. Davis’ mother, Antoinette, was charged with human trafficking charges related to child prostitution. source

10 Nov 2009 22:55


Culture: Michael Jackson’s funeral suit worth more than your salary

  • $35,000 to go out in crazy pop star style source

05 Oct 2009 20:29


Biz: A couple deathly serious numbers about the funeral industry

  • 35% of all funerals are cremations, which kills the revenue of mom & pop funeral shops source