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18 Jun 2010 13:28


Tech: Protip to Mark Zuckerberg: Don’t go to Pakistan, dude

  • Pakistan’s deputy attorney general is pushing for his prosecution. Why? Because he allowed “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” to take place on his site. Despite the fact that it was blocked in Pakistan by Facebook and is no longer an issue. He’s seriously trying to get Interpol involved. This is beyond stupid. It’s like arresting Alexander Graham Bell because someone tried to make an offensive phone call, isn’t it? Zuckerberg simply can’t control his users. Nor should he. source

08 Jun 2010 10:59


Tech: The military’s giving social networking experts real jobs

Yeah, the whole idea sounds hilarious to us: “That’s a poke! Roger on that! Now I want you to post on that hot guy’s wall and secure our position!” source

06 Jun 2010 20:58


Tech: Yahoo pretty much lets Facebook take over their lumbering corpse

  • You know, because Yahoo doesn’t have any infrastructure like Facebook. Between Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Chat, MyBlogLog, Flickr, and Delicious – all widely-used services that directly compete with various parts of Facebook – Yahoo could create a really awesome social network with the scale of Facebook’s offerings. But instead, Yahoo is going to integrate these sites directly with Facebook. Why? Because they’re a horribly-disorganized company and they don’t realize that they were sitting on all of the parts long before Facebook stumbled upon them. source

03 Jun 2010 02:35


Tech: We knew it: Mark Zuckerberg just as awkward as the rest of us

  • You could fill a glass of water with the sweat coming off of Mark Zuckerberg’s brow in this clip, where he tries, in vain, to explain Facebook’s privacy issues. Dude’s getting grilled, and he seriously can’t take the heat. He has to take off the hoodie he never takes off. Also, how creepy is that insignia on the inside of his hoodie? In his defense, though, let’s face it – he’s 26 and he’s done more with his life than any of us can expect to do with any of ours. Let’s not knock him too much.

01 Jun 2010 09:42


Tech: Final tally: Quit Facebook Day a complete freaking flop

  • 34k complete losers quit Facebook yesterday
  • 400M number of active Facebook users
  • .008% of all users quit the site (not a revolution) source

31 May 2010 11:26


Biz, U.S.: Companies trying to “Slapp” out online criticism with lawsuits

  • SLAPP means “strategic lawsuit against public participation.” The whole theory behind it is that people complain in public about a company’s service, and the company sues to get them to shut up. In prior eras, this may have meant speaking out at a city council meeting. Now, it means tweeting about bad service or putting up a Facebook group. Here’s the fate one guy met.


  • $118 the amount Justin Kurtz had to pay after a towing company wrongly towed his car from his own apartment complex
  • 12k the number of people who joined “Kalamazoo Residents against T&J Towing”; 800 joined in the first two days alone
  • $750k the amount the towing company sued the Western Michigan University student for defamation source

31 May 2010 10:10


World: Asian countries still upset about “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day”

  • pakistan After being blocked for nearly two weeks, the country is ready to open Facebook’s floodgates again – minus the controversial pages.
  • bangladesh On Sunday, the country enacted a temporary ban on Facebook to get rid of the pages; they made it clear it was only to hide the pages.

30 May 2010 19:51


Tech: “Quit Facebook Day” update: Still a drop in the social bucket

  • 25,260 users plan to actually quit tomorrow source

29 May 2010 12:39


Tech: For some companies, IE6 is like a “get out of Facebook free” card

  • what Some companies have chosen to stick with IE6 essentially because sites like Facebook and YouTube aren’t really usable with it anymore. Which is annoying as sin.
  • why Ever see the movie “Up in the Air”? Similar concept, except with Facebook. Companies are afraid of outright saying they’re blocking Facebook. source

27 May 2010 20:57


Tech: Were Facebook’s privacy changes enough to win over its critics?

  • NO they’re still not convinced Facebook is trustworthy source