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01 Dec 2010 12:36


10 May 2010 11:20


Offbeat: Turtles not exactly the fastest form of canine transportation

  • After the Greek debt crisis leaves us all broke and without means to support ourselves, we won’t find the humor in videos of dogs riding turtles. So we might as well take advantage of it now before the world ends. So, without further ado, a dog riding a turtle.

07 May 2010 12:25


Offbeat: Unlucky dog owner offered a rebate coupon by Delta Airlines

  • $200 off next flight over that dog we lost somehow source

17 Apr 2010 11:05


Offbeat: A year later, Bo Obama does his presidential pedigree proud

The Christian Science Monitor has a ton of photos of the First Dog, and by golly, is he a fun little pup. source

22 Feb 2010 22:04


Offbeat: Here’s a photo of big dog Giant George at a fittingly giant size

  • Giant George is the world’s tallest dog. He’s also freaking awesome. At 43 inches tall, the Great Dane could jump all over you and kick your butt. Guinness World Records made a great choice in giving Giant George the kind of pulpit fit for Yao Ming or Andre the Giant. source

14 Sep 2009 10:29


12 Jul 2009 12:13


Offbeat: This poor Jack Russell Terrier is stuck in an infinite loop

  • This dog is barking at himself barking at himself on YouTube. If you think this video’s crazy, just wait for the sequel.source

14 May 2009 08:27


Offbeat: Jack Russell terriers are apparenty too much for mail carriers

One is preventing the mail service from getting to seven homes. Either the dog is a total brute or mail carriers are total wimps. source

12 May 2009 23:05


Tech, World: The woman who named Pluto lived to see one last vindication

  • It has now been satisfactorily proven that the dog was named after the planet, rather than the other way around. So, one is vindicated.
  • Englishwoman Venetia Phair • Who, as an 11-year-old girl, named the planet Pluto in 1930. She named the planet for the Roman god of the underworld and suggested it to her grandfather, who talked to some people, and then they talked to more people, and eventually, the name stuck. Phair died April 30 at 90. • source

29 Apr 2009 09:33


U.S.: 100 days: Love him or hate him, Obama gets stuff done
