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11 Jun 2010 01:29


Tech: Google’s real problem with their background images: No balance

Why did everyone hate Google putting background images on their site yesterday? Because, unlike Bing, they grafted the idea onto the old design (poorly). source

09 Jun 2010 21:33


Culture: Gary Coleman’s ex-wife officially worst person in the world

  • yes The tabloid Globe printed copies of the deathbed photo of Gary Coleman that Shannon Price sold them.
  • no We’re not going to show them on this site because – let’s face it – it’s morally reprehensible. source

17 Mar 2010 10:52


World: Dear Thai protesters: Your use of blood is gross. Stop it.

We’ve strategically cropped this photo in a way that you can’t see the blood. We can only think of two or three things grosser than blood to throw in protest. source

15 Mar 2010 18:50


Offbeat: Dear morbidly obese woman: What you’re doing isn’t honorable

Meet Donna Simpson, who’s TRYING to become the world’s fattest woman. At 12,000 calories a day, her svelte 600-pound frame should be up to 1,000 in no time flat. source

30 Jan 2010 00:54


Offbeat: Hey pot fans: Think about this story next time you light up a doobie

  • 743 pounds of marijuana were found in a septic tank truck traveling near the Arizona/Mexico border
  • $409,000 the street value of the pot, which wasn’t the only thing in the tank, by the way (ewwwww) source