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31 Dec 2009 16:56


Biz: Time Warner Cable has an idea for News Corp in their cable fight

  • 30 days to take a deep breath, watch “Glee” reruns source

19 Jul 2009 11:21


World: Still a major sticking point in Honduras: Zelaya’s return to power

One side will only agree to putting Jose Manuel Zelaya back in power. The other side will agree to anything but that. Ah, impasses. source

25 May 2009 10:31


World: Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says there’s no room for diplomacy

  • We will not allow anyone to negotiate with us outside the agency’s regulations and issues. From now on we will continue our path in the framework of the agency.
  • Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • Regarding a proposal by the U.S. for the country to freeze its nuclear program. Quick third-grader translation: If you’re not a member of the club, we’re not listening to you. Nyah! • source

08 Feb 2009 21:25


U.S.: Harsh criticism of the stimulus thing from a top senator

  • Everybody on the street in America understands that. This is not the right road to go. We’ll pay dearly.
  • Sen. Richard Shelby • The ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee. So, if this isn’t the right road to go down, why didn’t we go down the right road with our last president? Just sayin’. • source