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12 Jun 2010 13:21


U.S., World: David Cameron’s folks: Obama’s beef not with Britain, but with BP

  • President Obama said to the Prime Minister that his unequivocal view was that BP was a multinational global company and that frustrations about the oil spill had nothing to do with national identity.
  • A statement from David Cameron’s office • Discussing what Obama and Cameron talked about today. We could have told you this before the president even picked up the phone. “The President made clear that he had no interest in undermining BP’s value,” the note added. As we noted last night, the company is just as much American as it is British at this point. source

11 Jun 2010 20:50


Biz, U.S.: Fun oil spill fact: BP is just as much American as it is British

  • 40% the amount of the company owned by British shareholders; another 40 percent is owned by Americans
  • 7.3% the amount BP’s stock went up in the U.K. after the British government gave them a show of support today
  • 3.5% the amount the stock went up in the U.S. after the announcement; it’s been sucking in recent weeks source

07 Jun 2010 11:10


World: David Cameron: Pull up your knickers, get ready for decades of austerity

“The decisions we make will affect every single person in our country,” Cameron says. “And the effects of those decisions will stay with us for years, perhaps decades, to come.” source

13 May 2010 10:24


World: Right out of the gate, the new British PM’s office cuts its pay

  • 5% across the board cuts for the coalition government source

11 May 2010 22:06


Tech: Five things you didn’t know about new British PM David Cameron

  • one The Tory leader (in
    power since 2005)
    is the youngest
    prime minister
    since 1812.
  • two He’s a few
    months younger
    than Tony Blair
    was when he took
    office in 1997.
  • three He largely built
    his base by
    copying tactics
    used by Blair in
    his rise to power.
  • four His wife is the
    creative director
    of a leather goods
    company. No, not
    that kind.
  • five Sadly, his
    six-year-old son
    died last year of
    cerebal palsy and
    epilepsy. source

11 May 2010 21:45


World: So yeah, holy crap, Britain’s leadership completely changed today

  • winner Conservative leader David Cameron is now the country’s Prime Minister, a move that happened very quickly.
  • gainer Nick Clegg, whose Liberal Democrats created a coalition with the Tories, gets a top cabinet seat in the deal.
  • loser Labour leader Gordon Brown, who couldn’t lead his party to victory or form a coalition to remain in power. source

10 May 2010 12:15



07 May 2010 11:24


World: The British elections: Nobody really came out ahead this year

  • +88 number of seats the Tories gained (not enough to lead outright)
  • -94 number of seats
    Labour lost (enough to fall out of power)
  • -5 number of seats Lib Dems lost (so much for big gains) source
  • » So what’s next, anyway?: With the hung Parliament, nobody has enough votes to lead completely, so right now, the two major parties are trying to court the Liberal Democrats. Whoever can win them over will have proxy leadership over Parliament.

28 Apr 2010 10:59


World: Gordon Brown not a fan of “bigoted women,” winning elections

  • She’s just a sort of bigoted woman who says she used to be Labour.
  • British Prime Minister Gordon Brown • Regarding a woman she met when he was out with the commoners today. Eight days before a major election. Too bad for him, because he was wearing a mic when he said it. Nick Clegg’s looking like a more viable option by the day, while Labour’s looking like a major fail. source

21 Apr 2010 09:56


World: David Cameron has yolk on his face thanks to some hoodie dude

  • What the heck happened? David Cameron, the U.K. Conservative leader went to go visit a college somewhere, and during the visit, some kid draped in a hoodie egged him. People on Twitter have been taking joy in Cameron’s misery today. For his part, he’s having fun with the incident. “Now I know which came first, the chicken not the egg.” (The hoodie, by the way, is also funny: Critics have in the past attacked him for his stance on youth crime, which they derisively call the “hug a hoodie campaign.”) source