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03 Oct 2010 20:36


Tech: Here’s six bucks: Verizon sorry for all those “accidental” data charges

  • $90
    the amount Verizon agreed to pay consumers affected by overcharging
  • just six bucks the amount consumers will actually see in the end – laaaaaaaame
  • what Verizon agreed to refund its customers for overcharging them for data usage. The FCC twisted their arm.
  • why Verizon designed their phones in such a way that you could use data by accident – and get billed for it.
  • who Credit the NYT’s David Pogue for this one – he brought the issue to the attention of a larger audience. source

01 Aug 2010 20:55


Tech, World: The BlackBerry’s data-encryption scheme won’t fly in the UAE

  • what The United Arab Emirates is planning to block data usage from BlackBerry devices – a move which could be replicated by India and other countries.
  • why Because BlackBerry devices send encrypted data to a server in Canada, where our friends in the UAE and other countries can’t see it (grumble). source

02 Jun 2010 20:49


Tech: Yo AT&T users – think you hog data? Here’s a quick way to check

  • This is us. We admit to being very heavy users. But, even then, we’ve only modestly crossed over the 2-gigabyte threshold AT&T has given us. This isn’t hard to find, either. Log into your AT&T Wireless account, head to the “My Current Usage” screen, click “View Past Data Usage,” and run one of the reports. It’s pretty surprising. We’d end up spending $5 more than we do currently under this plan for most of the months. source

13 Nov 2009 11:09


Tech: Verizon nickels-and-dimes its customers even more

  • We cancel these unintended requests as fast as we can hit the End key, but it doesn’t matter; they’ve told me that ANY data–even one kilobyte–is billed as 1MB. The damage is done.
  • A Verizon customer writing to New York Times tech columnist David Pogue • Discussing how the company has price-gouged them at $1.99 a pop. Hit the wrong button, and it goes to a screen that starts downloading data. When you try downloading that data, Verizon rounds up to a full megabyte and charges you. Pogue is livid about these kind of charges – along with the company’s new $350 penalty for switching providers early. These nickel-and-dime schemes make the company millions of dollars each year. And it isn’t right. • source