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21 Mar 2009 21:04


Biz: This fight between sweeteners is getting pretty bitter

  • Back in the ’80s, sugar found itself up against a new competitor, high fructose corn syrup. Sugar struggled for a while but has made a comeback. source
  • Recently, high fructose corn syrup has been getting much criticism in public for its possible ill health effects, which has helped sugar’s popularity. source
  • The corn industry has attempted to fight the bad buzz against its product with Web sites and commercials defending its sweetener of choice. source

28 Jan 2009 16:04


U.S.: High-fructose corn syrup a source of mercury? Yikes!

  • That’s what some new studies say. The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, in two recent studies, found that high-fructose corn syrup, a pretty common ingredient in most prepared foods, could be a source of mercury. The toxic metal was found in almost half of all tested samples and nearly a third of 55 brand-name foods containing the syrup, used as a cheap alternative to sugar. An organization representing the refiners, however, claims the study is based on “outdated information of dubious significance.” source