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10 Aug 2011 20:39


Culture: “Lopez Tonight” gets the ax; final episode is tomorrow night

  • 40% ratings drop; George Lopez, he ain’t no Conan source
  • » “Lopez Tonight” is no more. Apparently TBS couldn’t justify “high production costs of the program given the revenues coming in.” Let’s have a moment of silence for the comedian, who let Conan take his time slot but didn’t get a ratings bump in return.

09 Nov 2010 10:38


Culture: Conan’s late-night return means another amazing cold open

  • Must hand it to Conan. Dude knows how to make a cold open to start a series. There were many good parts of his debut, but the intro is perhaps our favorite (though the “comma Brett Favre’s penis” joke was definitely a winner, too). Will he be the new king of late night? Newsweek seems to think so. Go read the article and see if they’re full of crap or not. source

05 Nov 2010 10:30


Culture: Conan does Playboy: That’s right, he did an interview, not a spread

  • He can come as the musical guest, because that I want to see. No one knows he has an operatic range [sings as Jay Leno]. No, there are certain things I will not do, regardless of the price.
  • Conan O’Brien • Explaining that no, he will not have Jay Leno on his new TBS show, which premieres next week. Other highlights from his interview with Playboy: He explains how his doctor once thought he was a cocaine user (he’s not, but he likes to drink), notes how the business has changed in the last 17 years (reality TV was the biggest single change), and suggests that actors pay the audience for plugging their latest project on his show. “If Jim Carrey or Tom Hanks accidentally mentions his project,” he says, “I think the viewer should be compensated in some way. That would be a way to turn this economy around.” source

04 Oct 2010 19:06


Culture: Conan’s new promo: Take a drink from the hose, if you dare

  • Conan needs a desk, a gardening hose, and a crapload of water. That’s it. He doesn’t even need Andy Richter anymore. The hose is the new Andy Richter.

14 Mar 2010 21:39


Culture: Protip: If you build an effective propaganda poster, Conan will pay you

  • Nice deal, dude! One guy who definitely deserves a payday is artist Mike Mitchell, whose “I’m With Coco” illustration is up there with Shepard Fairey’s oft-litigated Obama “Hope” poster in terms of iconic status. Mitchell licensed rights to Conan’s people for the image (currently getting used on O’Brien’s tour), and he made out with a pretty hefty payday. It’s like he won the lottery. source

20 Jan 2010 21:28


Culture: Conangate: NBC is run by a bunch of unsympathetic douchebags

  • NBC execs pinned the blame for the contract dispute directly on Conan. So, let’s say you’re a late-night host treated like crap by your network. They damage your trust and you are basically forced to walk. But you want to make sure all of your employees get a severance package that doesn’t suck, because, hey, it’s the recession. Would you pose the situation like this?: “It was Conan’s decision to leave NBC that resulted in nearly 200 of his staffers being out of work.” We sure wouldn’t. In case you were wondering: NBC is run by greedy douchebags. source

05 Jun 2009 10:34


Culture: The Conan/Mario thing is a coincidence, you big-media idiots

  • OMG are you guys seriously that stupid? Look, we get it. The Conan thing is freaking hilarious. We love it like a child of our own, in fact. (W’zup Jeff Greco?!) But we noticed something when looking on the Internet today: More than one big-media blog trying to set the record straight on what is seriously the most awesome coincidence ever. Syfy’s official blog, for example. Or more depressingly, The Live Feed, The Hollywood Reporter’s usually awesome TV blog. You guys need to take a step back from the mirror and realize it’s, on its face, hilarious. OK? Now read this story on how Nintendo digs it. source

04 Jun 2009 22:10


Culture: Conan + Mario: This is our favorite image of the day.

  • The guy who put this together is a bloody genius and we want to have a couple dozen of his digital manbabies. LOL. Obviously a well-placed coincidence, but still amazing.source

20 Feb 2009 16:15


Culture: Up next: “Late Night with the sketch-ruining dude from SNL”

Yeah, Jimmy Fallon’s no Conan, guys. Let’s get this national nightmare over with. source