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01 Apr 2009 10:37


Biz: Have a Circuit City credit card? Best Buy is taking pity on you.

  • From one big-box store to another. As you might remember, Circuit City collapsed pretty spectacularly earlier this year – perhaps the biggest non-financial entity to fall apart due to the credit crisis. But they did have their hands in the financial cookie jar a little bit with store credit cards. Rather than let the cards just die, Best Buy will accept them starting in May. Not good, not bad, just ambivalent. source

08 Mar 2009 19:49


Biz: We won’t use the “short circuit” pun with this Circuit City story

  • Oops, we just did. Anyway, their last day is today. The former mega-retailer, once a formidable force in electronics retail, just spent the last month and a half liquidating. They gave themselves until March 31, but finished early. So tonight, the lights go off for the last time on the retailer that wanted to be Best Buy, but wasn’t as good. source

13 Feb 2009 10:32


U.S.: Microsoft wants to be Apple, have its own retail outlets

  • Putting players in place Yesterday, MS named David Porter, a former Wal-Mart and Dreamworks Animation exec, as vice president of its retail stores. Taking a cue from Apple, the stores would sell computers with Microsoft software on them, as well as non-PC products like Zunes and Xboxes. Since starting their stores, Apple has made out like gangbusters and cut into MS’ market share. source
  • Putting players in place Yesterday, MS named David Porter, a former Wal-Mart and Dreamworks Animation exec, as vice president of its retail stores. Taking a cue from Apple, the stores would sell computers with Microsoft software on them, as well as non-PC products like Zunes and Xboxes. Since starting their stores, Apple has made out like gangbusters and cut into MS’ market share.
  • What we imagine We think this could perhaps be the ninth layer of hell if done wrong. Just imagine – stores with Songsmith karaoke bars, walls lined with numerous versions of Windows, and repeated showings of those terrible Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates commercials on giant TV screens. And honestly, we’d be afraid of getting locked in the store overnight by a blue screen of death. source
  • Putting players in place Yesterday, MS named David Porter, a former Wal-Mart and Dreamworks Animation exec, as vice president of its retail stores. Taking a cue from Apple, the stores would sell computers with Microsoft software on them, as well as non-PC products like Zunes and Xboxes. Since starting their stores, Apple has made out like gangbusters and cut into MS’ market share.
  • What we imagine We think this could perhaps be the ninth layer of hell if done wrong. Just imagine – stores with Songsmith karaoke bars, walls lined with numerous versions of Windows, and repeated showings of those terrible Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates commercials on giant TV screens. And honestly, we’d be afraid of getting locked in the store overnight by a blue screen of death.
  • Bad timing? Yeah, nothing against the idea or anything, guys, but you realize we’re in a recession, right? You guys laid off people recently, too, so it’s not exactly like you should be unaware of this fact. And on top of that, one of your biggest retail outlets, Circuit City, bit the big one. Not to tell you not to do this, guys, but is this really the best use of your time? source

16 Jan 2009 12:44


Biz: Could anything be salvaged from Circuit City’s closing?

  • A minor glimmer of hope. Despite the forthcoming closing of the No. 2 electronics retailer in the country, an investor could still come to save the business. Otherwise, they’ll start liquidating, with an end date of March 31. Their Canadian business will remain open. source
  • A minor glimmer of hope. Despite the forthcoming closing of the No. 2 electronics retailer in the country, an investor could still come to save the business. Otherwise, they’ll start liquidating, with an end date of March 31. Their Canadian business will remain open.
  • An online business? Circuit City does about $1 billion in online-only sales, and there’s still a chance they could come back as an online retailer. “This would eliminate overhead costs, vendor conflicts and other issues,” said Love Goel, CEO of Growth Ventures Group, an investment banking firm. source

16 Jan 2009 12:37


Biz: Short-circuit: Circuit City to liquidate its assets

  • 567 stores will close; 34,000 employees will get laid off source