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12 Oct 2011 10:20


Politics: Barney Frank rips Newt Gingrich for his Dodd-Frank assessment

  • I wish I knew that he was willing to listen to my advice, I would have given him some: I would have told him not to impeach Clinton, I would have told his successors not to go to war with Iraq, and I would have told [Tom] DeLay not to go on the dance show.
  • Rep. Barney Frank • Getting in an ice burn on Newt Gingrich, who ripped him and fellow Dodd-Frank architect Christopher Dodd, suggesting they should go to jail for daring to pass a financial reform. “If you want to put people in jail, you ought to start with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd,” Gingrich claimed during Tuesday night’s debate. As you might guess, Frank took umbrage with that assessment: “This notion we caused the problem that started while they were in charge even by Gingrich’s standards is very odd.” source

27 Jun 2010 12:23


Politics: The financial reform bill a framework for many, many rules

Barney Frank, pictured, and Chris Dodd, the main architects of the reform bill, designed it so that the rules could come along – and be influenced – later. source

24 Jun 2010 11:14


U.S.: Financial reform bill is nearing the finish line. WHOO!

  • DERIVATIVES! DERIVATIVES! DERIVATIVES! DERIVATIVES! We’re so pumped to see financial reform finally pass between the House and Senate that “DERIVATIVES!” is kinda like a battle cry for us. Or not. But Christopher Dodd gets his name on the broadest rewrite of financial law since the 1930s, and the deal-brokering has if nothing else, made the bill palatable to some on both sides of the aisle. Congress has given themselves a deadline of today, so some stuff may end up on the cutting-room floor, but it would still be a big victory. Right? Right? DERIVATIVES! source

28 Apr 2010 20:12


U.S.: Financial reform debate’s a go in the Senate, finally

  • Forget the full Senate vote. They shook hands on it. In what’s a pretty big #(&(@&& deal, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate agreed to bring financial reform to the floor. BBC notes that a vote failed three days in a row, but eventually went through after Democrats nearly forced an all-night session. Republicans claim they won some concessions, though. While Republican Sen. Richard Shelby, who’s been working with bill mastermind Christopher Dodd, says he still disagrees with many parts of the bill, but has been promised that Republican amendments would be considered. So that’s something. source

25 Apr 2010 11:51


Politics: Chris Dodd and Richard Shelby seeing more of each other lately

  • I hope tomorrow we can get those votes; we may not, but I hope we do because we need to move forward.
  • Sen. Christopher Dodd • Regarding his push for a financial reform bill. He hopes to pull at least one Republican over with a bipartisan bill. Sen. Richard Shelby is currently working with him to make it happen. For what it’s worth, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell thinks it’s going to happen. “We don’t have a bipartisan compromise yet, but I think there’s a good chance we’re going to get it,” he says. source

14 Mar 2010 21:46


Biz: Two thresholds for Chris Dodd’s new bank-regulation plan

  • $10
    the amount of assets a bank would have to have to be sanctioned for a consumer-rules violation
  • $50
    the amount of assets a company would have to have to fall under the U.S.’s regulatory watch source

12 Feb 2010 09:44


Politics: Richard Shelby apparently the antithesis of bipartisanship

  • “We were stuck. I just feel like we weren’t getting anywhere.” Sen. Christopher Dodd has had enough of Sen. Richard Shelby’s crap, apparently. Shelby, a.k.a. the guy who held up 70 of Obama’s appointees to win pork for his state, has been holding up Dodd’s plans for a financial industry reform bill. So, instead, Dodd’s going to work with freshman Sen. Bob Corker, which should make things interesting for the Senate Banking Committee. source

06 Jan 2010 10:03


U.S.: Chris Dodd’s drop-out might have an effect on financial regulation

  • Obama’s big plan for 2010: Financial industry regulation. Unfortunately for Obama, Chris Dodd has been having trouble working with ranking Republican Sen. Richard Shelby on the plan. While the lack of electoral pressures might make it easier for Dodd to focus on it, it also makes it just as easy for the Republicans to stall until next year, when a more moderate Democrat (or based on how things go, a Republican) might chair the Senate Banking Committee. source

06 Jan 2010 09:52


U.S.: Chris Dodd tight-lipped about leaving the Senate; let’s speculate!

  • Financial industry ties Dodd, a five-term senator, is chair of the powerful Senate Banking Committee. Some feel he’s used these ties in interest-conflicting ways, including receiving a nice mortgage from the now-disgraced Countrywide Financial Corp.
  • Weak poll numbers Dodd, despite being a longstanding member of the Senate and once being seen as a presidential candidate, hasn’t been polling well in his home state lately, leading to fears he might lose in the election. Dude probably got scared.
  • What’s next? Let’s just say that Dems can’t like knowing that two senators have dropped out their races within 12 hours of each other. Especially Dodd, who was a health care plan architect. It may help the seat stay Democratic, though. source

17 Sep 2009 10:50


Sports, U.S.: The WWE’s Linda McMahon for Senate: She won’t turn heel

  • Christopher Dodd better watch out. He’s probably never faced an opponent in a Connecticut Senate race who could take a move like this, then lived to tell about it. It somehow makes any other political attack seems innocuous in comparison.source