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18 Mar 2009 21:13


Biz, U.S.: *FOREHEAD SLAP* Good one Chris Dodd *FOREHEAD SLAP*

  • As many know, the administration was, among others, not happy with the language. They wanted some modifications to it. They came to us, our staff, and asked for changes, and the changes at the time did not seem that obnoxious or onerous.
  • Sen. Christopher Dodd • On adding a provision to the stimulus bill allowing AIG to give out massive bonuses to its employees. He was asked to make these changes by the Treasury, which seems to have a lot of power over legislation considering they’re not legislators. Dodd wants to tax the bonuses, BTW. • source

16 Mar 2009 21:14


Biz, U.S.: Sen. Chris Dodd has a novel idea for the AIG bonuses

  • 98% amount Dodd wants to tax the massive paydays source