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23 Dec 2010 02:28


U.S.: We’re on our way to Hawaii to stalk Mr. Barack “what lame duck?” Obama

  • OK, not to be jerks to you guys, but we think we’ve put in a pretty good year of blogging. And, well, Obama’s in Hawaii, and Hawaii’s gonna be warm but rainy all weekend. In other words, perfect stalking weather. We want to follow the president along with his family and learn the truth … is Obama in fact Muslim? When he goes to open up presents under his palm tree on Christmas day, will there be a star on top of that palm tree? Or a crescent? The Coast Guard is watching out for people like us, but we’re watching out for people like the Coast Guard. Plus, we have hundreds of thousands of dollars to throw around! We can totally pay their $32,000 fine! Plus, Julius is a robot without any feelings! We don’t care if he goes to jail! (But seriously, this is a long way to say that we’ll be taking it easy for a few days, with fewer posts. Because we want to go to Hawaii to stalk Obama. That’s right! See you this weekend, Sasha and Malia!) source

21 Dec 2010 10:31


Politics: NPR’s Nina Totenberg: Sorry for saying “Christmas party,” guys

  • If you were looking for an exact point where political correctness has gone too far, this one probably works. See, NPR’s Nina Totenberg actually apologized for saying the phrase “Christmas party,” as if that’s going to offend people. The only people it will actually offend are the far-righties that will see this as another reason that NPR shouldn’t exist. Bad idea. source

19 Dec 2010 11:59


Offbeat: Abu Dhabi hotel has buyer’s remorse over expensive Christmas tree

  • $11 million for a shiny Christmas tree they suddenly regret source

16 Dec 2010 11:01


Politics: Jim DeMint pulls the “it’s Christmas” card to block legislation

  • We shouldn’t be jamming a major arms control treaty up against Christmas; it’s sacrilegious and disrespectful. What’s going on here is just wrong. This is the most sacred holiday for Christians. They did the same thing last year – they kept everybody here until [Christmas Eve] to force something down everybody’s throat. I think Americans are sick of this.
  • Sen. Jim DeMint • Saying a pretty douchey thing about doing his freaking job. So, to clarify … the GOP stonewalls the Democrats in the Senate the entire year, forcing legislation and judicial nominees from getting passed or even debated, and Jim here is all upset because they’re trying to actually get stuff passed while they still have some control of Congress? Yeah, you’re not a jerk. Perhaps you would enjoy your Christmas holiday more if YOU DIDN’T ACT LIKE A JERK THE REST OF THE YEAR. Don’t like it? Deal with it. Seriously, this is the most pathetic reasoning we’ve seen for any political ploy this year. Mind you, it’s December. source

25 Nov 2010 21:53


Biz: A sampling of when certain stores are opening up for Black Friday

  • 10 p.m. the time Toys “R” Us opens tonight for Black Friday (earliest)
  • 12 a.m. the time Wal-Mart opens for Black Friday (still pretty early)
  • 3 a.m. the time Kohl’s opens for Black Friday (too late; nobody cares) source

30 Dec 2009 20:59


Biz: Ho-ho-holy crap, did you see this online holiday sales number?

  • $27 billion in “wow that’s a lot of money” money source

28 Dec 2009 22:21


Offbeat: A cheeky Santa obesity study fooled a ton of major news outlets

The best part about this story is that it’s a hilarious example of how something gets published everywhere quickly. Even better? We didn’t post it. Hooray! source

28 Dec 2009 10:41


Biz: Ho, ho, ho! Holiday spending at retail was up this year, guys

  • 3.6% increase in retail sales over last year; yay source

27 Dec 2009 20:58


Culture: This weekend was huge for the box office, with lots of hits

  • $75M the take of “Avatar,” which led the pack and held on for its second weekend
  • $65M the take of 2nd-place Robert Downey Jr.’s take on “Sherlock Holmes”
  • $50M the take of crap machine “Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakuel” source

26 Dec 2009 15:07


Tech: Kindle had a banner day on Christmas Day, Amazon says

  • eBooks > books and Amazon’s investors go wild source