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18 Mar 2010 10:18


Culture: South Park slams a nine-iron into the Tiger Woods story

  • Oh, South Park, we missed you so. Last night’s episode tackled everyone’s favorite punching bag, the Tiger Woods saga, with clever bits such as this one, where Cartman and Stan play a Tiger-themed fighting game. We want to buy this game. source

12 Nov 2009 22:29


Culture: Glenn Beck an easy target, one hit by South Park this time

  • You know, parodies of Glenn Beck should be getting old by now, but they’re really not. Cartman uses Beck’s logic to suggest that Wendy kills smurfs. Is Glenn Beck just a schtick now, instead of a political pundit? I don’t know, I’m just asking questions.source

15 Aug 2009 12:05


Culture: Want to see unaired “South Park” pilot? Well, it’s online, guys.

The lives of Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman are rooted in this episode. Click the link. You’re really curious, aren’t you? Click … it. source

24 Mar 2009 10:45


Culture: South Park probably has something clever to say about the economy

The show, famous for its quick turnaround time on cultural events, tackles the economic crisis tomorrow night. source