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07 May 2010 23:27


Culture: The White Pages starting to look as outdated as the 8-track

  • 1/9 of New York households use the white pages; the rest aren’t time-travelers
  • 9,000 tons of paper could be saved yearly if the White Pages went away source

08 Mar 2010 23:38


Biz: 911 cell phone caller: “HELP! MY PRIUS WON’T STOP!”

  • Police had to help them stop their vehicle. Everyone’s favorite barrel fish to shoot, the broken Toyota accelerator, reared its ugly head again tonight when someone in one of the hybrids could not stop their vehicle, at one point going as fast as 94 miles an hour. While the Prius in the past hasn’t suffered from the sticking pedal problems that Toyota’s other cars do, it does suffer from braking system issues (the 2010 model), along with a gas pedal that can get caught in the floor mat (the 2004-2009 models). source

09 Feb 2010 10:23


Tech: Google sorta understands the need for Nexus One phone support

  • terrible When Google launched its Nexus One, it forgot to offer something obvious it usually doesn’t offer for its products – live phone support. Users loudly complained.
  • better Google just started offering it, over a month after they launched the freaking phone. About time. It only covers status and shipping issues, though. WTF, guys? source