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14 Dec 2010 10:16


World: Julian Assange makes first statement since being jailed last week

  • My convictions are unfaltering. I remain true to the ideals I have expressed. This circumstance shall not shake them. If anything, this process has increased my determination that they are true and correct.
  • Julian Assange • In a statement to his mother Christine while incarcerated in a British prison – his first since being jailed last week. There’s a lot of Assange news today: First, Assange is offering to wear a tracking device in hopes that will allow him to stay free and continue his work with Wikileaks. Second, he apparently has gotten none of his mail (including numerous fan letters) since being imprisoned – except a note telling him that his copy of “Time” was destroyed because his face was on the cover.  Finally, his mom, Christine, has some not-nice things to say about the Australian government. “There’s Julia Gillard opening for Oprah …  and my Julian is sitting here in prison,” she says. “Is it more important to suck up to the Yanks than to look after your own people?” Are you sure that wasn’t Tilda Swinton, Christine? source

07 Dec 2010 08:32


World: Julian Assange arrested as part of sex crimes investigation

  • It’s about time we got to the end of the day and we got some truth, justice and rule of law. Julian Assange has been the one in hot pursuit to vindicate himself to clear his good name.
  • Julian Assange’s lawyer, Mark Stephens • Regarding his client’s decision to accept his arrest by British authorities. Considering what’s on the line for him (a heck of a lot more than a sex warrant), it’s nothing short of impressive that he gave himself up to police. Wikileaks emphasizes, by the way, that Assange’s arrest won’t affect the release of more cables – including tonight’s release. source

06 Dec 2010 20:48


World: Julian Assange works with authorities, keeps them at arm’s length

  • yeah … Julian Assange, currently in the U.K., agreed to meet with British police about his legal situation in Sweden, which wants to extradite him. He has not been arrested and his people are the moment cooperating with the authorities.
  • … but Our boy’s lawyers have been fighting tooth-and-nail for him, trying to get him as sweetheart a deal as they possibly can. It might be hard with rape charges, though. (His lawyers deny that Sweden has actually charged him.) source

02 Dec 2010 09:56


World: British police: We know where Julian Assange is, but … not so fast

  • yes … The Independent reports that British authorities say Julian Assange, wanted under red alert by INTERPOL, is hiding in the U.K.
  • … but Despite this, authorities are waiting for more information before deciding whether to arrest the Wikileaks founder. source