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Posted on December 14, 2010 | tags


World: Julian Assange makes first statement since being jailed last week

  • My convictions are unfaltering. I remain true to the ideals I have expressed. This circumstance shall not shake them. If anything, this process has increased my determination that they are true and correct.
  • Julian Assange • In a statement to his mother Christine while incarcerated in a British prison – his first since being jailed last week. There’s a lot of Assange news today: First, Assange is offering to wear a tracking device in hopes that will allow him to stay free and continue his work with Wikileaks. Second, he apparently has gotten none of his mail (including numerous fan letters) since being imprisoned – except a note telling him that his copy of “Time” was destroyed because his face was on the cover.  Finally, his mom, Christine, has some not-nice things to say about the Australian government. “There’s Julia Gillard opening for Oprah …  and my Julian is sitting here in prison,” she says. “Is it more important to suck up to the Yanks than to look after your own people?” Are you sure that wasn’t Tilda Swinton, Christine? source