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03 Feb 2010 10:20


Politics: New Yorker writer trashes Twitter even though he’s never used it

  • The truth is, I feel like yelling Stop quite a bit these days. Every time I hear about Twitter I want to yell Stop. The notion of sending and getting brief updates to and from dozens or thousands of people every few minutes is an image from information hell.
  • New Yorker staff writer George Packer • Complaining about the popularity of Twitter. He won’t use it because he’s scared of becoming addicted. He calls it “crack for media addicts.” He seems to not understand the appeal of the service at all. He’s a journalist – with sources who understand the need to be constantly connected – and he himself doesn’t even own a BlackBerry. Mr. Packer, stop complaining and catch up. If you want to be a journalist in this new environment, you have to catch up. source

07 Nov 2009 17:29


05 May 2009 09:43


Tech: Blackberry’s Curve > iPhone 3G? How did that happen?

  • Blame it on more carriers and better deals. RIM is glowing in the fact that its Curve, still a well-received phone even without the press of the iPhone, managed to beat the iPhone in 1st quarter sales. Part of it was Verizon, who offered help in the form of a buy-one-get-one-free sale for Blackberries. So, not only is the Curve at the top of the handheld market, but two other Blackberry phones grace the top five. Not a bad racket. source

01 Apr 2009 10:21


Tech: So, Blackberry has a new app store – just like Apple!

You know, Blackberries are popular, too. Why the heck not? Good going, Research in Motion! source

11 Mar 2009 10:25


Biz, Music, Tech: U2 = Corporate whores for phone-makers

  • Tie to Apple U2 famously was featured in a series of iPod ads a few years back, to the point that many fans tie them to the iPhone-maker. We think Bono should always wear white earbuds. source
  • Tie to Apple U2 famously was featured in a series of iPod ads a few years back, to the point that many fans tie them to the iPhone-maker. We think Bono should always wear white earbuds.
  • Tie to Palm Bono has a state in a company, Elevation Partners, which owns a huge chunk of Palm, which has an awesome phone, the Pre, coming out soon. source
  • Tie to Apple U2 famously was featured in a series of iPod ads a few years back, to the point that many fans tie them to the iPhone-maker. We think Bono should always wear white earbuds.
  • Tie to Palm Bono has a state in a company, Elevation Partners, which owns a huge chunk of Palm, which has an awesome phone, the Pre, coming out soon.
  • Tie to RIM On top of that, the band has Blackberry makers Research in Motion sponsoring their next tour! You guys wrote “One,” not “Three.” What the heck?! source