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11 Mar 2009 20:34


Culture, Politics: Ryan Adams + Mandy Moore = Married. Call them “Random.”

  • On celebrity couple names They’re a necessary evil. They create mass hysteria. They adopt more kids and gather more press than they really should, so why not take the thing that makes them truly notable – their name recognition – and bastardize and commoditize it? Magazines are happy. Talk show hosts are happy. And you make them collectively weak. source
  • On celebrity couple names They’re a necessary evil. They create mass hysteria. They adopt more kids and gather more press than they really should, so why not take the thing that makes them truly notable – their name recognition – and bastardize and commoditize it? Magazines are happy. Talk show hosts are happy. And you make them collectively weak.
  • Why they deserve “Random” First of all, who seriously expected Ryan Freakin’ Adams, the guy who releases six albums a year of varying quality, to marry the third-tier Britney Spears who somehow came out of teen stardom unscathed? And “Random” is a great way to describe it. And a clever way to work their name together. Happy honeymoon, Random! source