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01 Apr 2010 10:13


World: Could Pope Benedict be charged in a abuse scandal cover-up?

  • NO because he’s a head of state, the Vatican says source

11 May 2009 09:25


World: Pope Benedict’s chilling out in Israel today, saying big things

Nearly immediately after touching down, the pope offered vocal support for a “homeland of their own” (not state) for both Israelis and Palestinians. source

28 Mar 2009 12:30


Politics, World: People aren’t afraid to call the Pope out on his condom stance

From Facebook groups to mass-mailed condom protests, people aren’t afraid to criticize the dude for his stance. source

22 Mar 2009 11:20


World: The Pope reverts from criticizing condoms to criticize war

  • “How true it is that war can destroy everything of value.” Pope Benedict has been floating around Africa the last week or so, facing large crowds, making controversial comments and proving a huge draw. In Angola, the Pope took on the recent fighting in the continent, saying the conflicts have “reduced the poor to slavery and deprived future generations of the resources needed to create a more solid and just society.” This is probably an easier statement to agree with than anything AIDS-related. source

17 Mar 2009 19:09


World: The freaking pope doesn’t know what the heck he’s talking about

  • It (AIDS) cannot be overcome by the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, they increase the problem.
  • Pope Benedict • Talking about condom usage as a way to prevent AIDS in Cameroon. Dude, do you even know what condoms are? • source