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Posted on May 30, 2010 | tags


Offbeat: British lout who won lottery right back where he first started

  • Disclosure: This story is from The Daily Mail. You know, that bastion of good journalism and better sensationalism. If it’s wrong, blame them. But we like running stories about chavs done good. So here goes.
  • 2002 Former garbage man Michael Carroll, 19, picks up his £9.7 million lotto prize wearing an ankle bracelet.
  • 2003 Carroll was spending £2,000 per day on crack cocaine and living the life of a guy who basically parties all day.
  • 2008 He was run out of his own house by dog- killing thugs, and on his last million pounds; he had to sell all his cars to get by.
  • 2010At 26, he’s broke and living off a £42-per-week unemployment stipend. He wants to be a garbage man again. source