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26 Jul 2011 13:29


U.S.: Rep. David Wu explains why he’s resigning from Congress

  • The wellbeing of my children must come before anything else. With great sadness, I therefore intend to resign effective upon the resolution of the debt-ceiling crisis.
  • Rep. David Wu • Discussing his decision to resign from Congress amid allegations that he had unwanted sexual contact with an 18-year-old woman. Earlier he said he wouldn’t seek reelection after this controversy, but now he’s resigning after increasing pressure from other representatives. He’s had his fair share of troubles — namely his wife father passing away, and a midlife crisis that’s manifested itself in embarrassing ways. At least he’s making it clear that he’s doing this to help his kids out, and let’s hope this doesn’t turn into Weinergate 2.0. source

19 Jul 2011 15:28


World: Recap: Key highlights from Rupert Murdoch’s hearing

  • hearing Today was a pretty harrowing day for News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch. He went before the British parliament with his son James regarding the ongoing phone hacking scandal.
  • result Both Rupert and his son maintained they didn’t know anything. James talked a lot more than his dad — but paused when a member of parliament obliquely compared the scandal to Enron.
  • dessert? Toward the end of the hearing, someone snuck in and gave Rupert a pie to the face — a not-so-tasteful distraction that nearly overshadowed the fairly serious situation at hand. source
  • » If the hearing wasn’t enough to make Murdoch sweat, LulzSec might be able to do the trick. They’re reportedly going to release a whole bunch of emails from News International staffers. Those emails will show what various people in the organization know, if they know anything about the phone hacking. They’ve already released Rebekah Brooks’s email password.

18 Jul 2011 14:59


Tech: Patent lawsuits: HTC feeling the heat after Apple wins ruling

  • 2 Apple patents infringed upon by HTC, a trade commission says source
  • » The judge favors Apple in a key case: This decision might mean that every single Android device violates this patent — and may possibly prevent Android devices from being imported to the U.S. HTC says they can find a way around it, but it will be difficult — it’s not looking good. And, let’s face it — if Apple could get Android phones off the market, they totally freaking would.

18 Jul 2011 14:19


Tech: Smart idea: Amazon offers rental textbooks on the Kindle

  • before Amazon wanted the Kindle to be able to replace textbooks for college kids. They even made a model — the Kindle DX — to appeal to college kids more. But the problem was that the e-textbooks often cost about as much as a used copy of the book.
  • now Amazon has decided to fix this problem by allowing students to rent textbooks on their Kindle, and pay for how long they rent it. Not only is this really cool and a lot more practical, but it will save students money and seems like it could really take off. source

18 Jul 2011 14:01


World: News of the World whistleblower Sean Hoare found dead

  • Right now, police are saying that Sean Hoare’s death isn’t suspicious. And that’s understandable, because he did have problems with alcohol and drugs — so Hoare’s death could easily be related to substance abuse. However, this phone-hacking scandal has gone far and brought down a lot of people — it’s hard not to wonder “What if?” Hoare was one of the first people to implicate Andy Coulson, the former News of the World editor and communications director for PM David Cameron, in the scandal, leading to the current chain of events that include NotW’s closure and Coulson’s arrest. source

14 Jul 2011 14:43


Offbeat: Long lost rainbow toad rediscovered in its old habitat

The rainbow toad, thought to have been extinct since the 1920s, has been rediscovered. A team of scientists found three of them in a tree in Borneo, and took the first pictures of the creatures that had been “extinct” for 90 years. source

14 Jul 2011 14:42


World: Rupert Murdoch, son will get cozy in Parliamentary hot seat

  • Their appearances required a little bit of arm-twisting. Rebekah Brooks, the editor of News of the World during the phone hacking scandal will be with them, too. They’ll be questioned on the situation and will have to offer up evidence. Originally Murdoch and his son weren’t going to attend, but only decided to after facing enormous pressure from government officials. The hearing is set for next Tuesday, and it really doesn’t seem like any of this will turn out well for News Corp. In other news — the FBI will investigate News Corp. to see whether the phones of 9/11 victims were possibly hacked by British tabloids. Which would bring this to a whole new level of messed-up. source

14 Jul 2011 14:25


World: Mumbai bombings: Authorities don’t know who’s responsible

  • 130 people wounded during yesterday’s bombings in Mumbai, the deadliest terror attack there since 2008
  • 17 people killed in the apparent terrorist attack; no suspect has been discovered yet source
  • » Following the trail: Authorities are looking over video tapes to see if they can identify who planted the bombs — made in part from ammonium nitrate, a compound found in fertilizer. Indian authorities are looking hard at Pakistan, as they were responsible for a deadly attack in 2008. Let’s just hope that Pakistan isn’t responsible. The two countries are participating in peace talks at the moment, the last thing they need is an incident like this to turn them more against each other.

14 Jul 2011 13:34


Culture: That was quick: Roger Clemens perjury case ends in mistrial

  • He’s entitled to a fair trial. He now cannot get it.
  • Judge Reggie B. Walton, judge in the Roger Clemens trial • Explaining why he’s declaring a mistrial in the case, which just started this week. Basically, the prosecution revealed a statement to the jury when they weren’t supposed to. He went on to angrily rebuke the government counsel responsible for the prosecution, saying that they should have been more careful because they can’t just get away with anything — and what they’ve already said can’t be erased from the jury’s minds. “A lot of government money has been used to reach this point. The government should have been more cautious,” he “I don’t see how I can un-ring the bell.” source

13 Jul 2011 14:38


U.S.: Presidential fundraising numbers out, Obama trumps competition

  • $47 million Obama raised in the second quarter of 2011 source
  • » That’s a new record – but kind of a specific one. Obama now holds the record for second-quarter financing in the year before an election. He made way more money than any of the GOP presidential hopefuls, getting donations from over 550,000 people. That’s a lot of people. Granted, this doesn’t mean that he’s automatically guaranteed victory, but it’s definitely a strong sign that much of his base is sticking by him in 2012.