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10 Aug 2011 20:13


Culture: J.K. Rowling’s Pottermore = Kinda like Beatlemania

  • A first look at Pottermore: While the latest project from J.K. Rowling isn’t quite ready to be released, the BBC was able to get a glimpse at some of the site’s features. Here’s a peek at Ollivander’s wand shop and some of 4 Privet Drive. source

10 Aug 2011 15:00


Offbeat, U.S.: How imprisoned polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs will keep his influence

  • cause Warren Jeffs is the leader of a polygamist sect of the Mormon church who was recently sentenced to life in prison for child sex abuse. Not only was he married to underage girls, but many others in the complex he ran were clearly pregnant. However, this was all part of his religion, he claimed — and everyone there has been pretty much brainwashed to believe the same.
  • effect Life in prison won’t separate those in Jeffs’ cult from him. Since he’s been in jail, his followers have continued to believe that he is a prophet and he’s continued to lead church services over the phone. “Now we can really begin to focus on liberating these people and freeing their minds from the mental shackles that Warren Jeffs has put on them,” said Elissa Wall, a former member of the church. source

10 Aug 2011 14:28


World: London riots: Overworked officials fighting fire with water

  • 1,100 people arrested in the London riots source
  • » And authorities are fed up. That’s why they’re planning on breaking out the water cannons — which have never been used in England before. While London has been more calm today, violence has begun breaking out in other cities. The fact that they’re going to all new measures for security shows just how desperate they are for it, but they have a good reason to be. The riots are calling into question authorities’ ability to keep London secure. It’s not a good time for this to crop up — they can’t afford the extra instability ahead of the 2012 Olympics.

10 Aug 2011 14:10


Biz, World: French credit weaknesses pushing markets down worldwide

  • The cost of insuring France’s debt rose to a record high today. And unlike the United States, France can’t just increase their money supply to pay its creditors. Partly as a result, it’s the most indebted of all European AAA-rated countries. It’s having a ripple effect that’s driving markets down worldwide. While S&P and the two other major ratings firms say they have no plans to downgrade France’s credit rating, it’s evident that investors are not as confident in the country’s financial situation. source

10 Aug 2011 10:30


Biz: Striking Verizon worker: They want to turn us into “Wal-Mart workers”

  • All the benefits that we’ve worked and fought for, 30 and 40 years, they want to take off the table … they want to make us like Wal-Mart workers. No benefits and low pay.
  • Striking Reading, Mass. Verizon worker Paul Murphy • Offering his take on the negotiations that led to the first strike Verizon’s had in over a decade. The strike, which involves the company’s landline workers, flared up after the company pushed to make it easier to fire workers and give raises based on performance, not seniority. The company says that the workers are among the highest-paid telecommunications workers in the industry, and that they have no plans to outsource workers. (h/t John Ness) source

10 Aug 2011 10:07


Biz: Whole Foods learns that Ramadan promotions are headache-inducing

  • claim After the company faced weeks of criticism from right-wing blogs who perhaps equate Muslims with terrorism too quickly, Houston Press claimed that Whole Foods backed away from a Ramadan promotion, which was meant as groundbreaking but instead created a bunch of headaches for the company. Fail.
  • rebuttal However, Whole Foods claims that they never ended the promotion. “We never sent a communication from our headquarters requesting stores take down signs or remove parts from this promotion,” the company tweeted. Instead, they say one regional branch decided to back away from the promotion (which led to the criticism). source

09 Aug 2011 22:45


World: London mayor faces tough crowd amid protests

  • 9,000 pound tuition fee!
  • An annoyed bystander • Interrupting London Mayor Boris Johnson’s press conference on his efforts to clean up the city. The crowd wasn’t really listening. “It’s all your fault!” someone else shouted. Around 16,000 members of the police force have been deployed in the city until Wednesday morning. One woman asked where they were when a looter threw a brick through her shop’s window. Have the riots in the city become a vehicle for misunderstood youth or an exploitative device? source

09 Aug 2011 20:46


Music, Tech: Spotify slowly wins over America, one invite at a time

  • 1,400,000 number of Americans on Spotify, the all-you-can-eat music service that came to the U.S. last month
  • 175,000 of them pay for subscription; that’s 12.5% of the invite-only U.S. users, which is impressive source

09 Aug 2011 20:16


Politics: Surprise: People find Newsweek’s Bachmann photo unflattering

  • No kidding: Newsweek’s cover on Rep. Michele Bachmann, the 2012 presidential candidate, has caused quite a stir on the interwebs over the past couple of days. It’s even inspired a couple of memes, though it’s mostly inspired anger over the magazine’s approach. Example: Terry O’Brien, the president of the National Organization for Women, said that “‘Queen of Rage’ is something you apply to wrestlers or somebody who is crazy.” Was this photo the best choice for the magazine’s cover? Take a look at the magazine’s own outtakes and judge for yourself. source

09 Aug 2011 17:58


World: U.S. may soon call for Assad’s departure from power

  • In the case of Syria, the message from 2009 was: If you are prepared to open Syria politically, if you are prepared to be a reformer, if you are prepared to work with us on Middle East peace and other issues we share, we can have a new and different kind of partnership. And that is not the path that Assad chose.
  • State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland • Speaking on the state of relations between the United States and Syria, the latter having seen months of bloodshed and death as Bashar al-Assad’s government has attempted to crush an upswell of protest and dissent. The Obama administration had made efforts to open up dialogue with Assad, which drew criticism from some conservative quarters — this represented a major change from the Bush administration’s antagonistic stance on Syria, and Assad’s cruelty as a leader was well-known before 2008. We can appreciate certain things about either tact; Bush’s seems more emotional, whereas Obama’s might feel colder and more calculating, but those distinctions now seem strictly academic. It’s reported that the U.S. could soon demand Assad leave power altogether. source