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27 Feb 2011 11:11


World: Middle East: Tunisia’s prime minister exits right behind Ben Ali

Ben Ali wasn’t the end of the unrest in Tunisia by a long shot. Now, Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi has left under the wave of popular unrest. source

27 Feb 2011 10:46


Politics: It gets worse: Scott Walker, GOP in position to turn Wisconsin red

  • This is a multi-front assault aimed at putting Republicans in a commanding position, and it will come as close as you can come to turning Wisconsin into a Republican state. And this is not a red state or a blue state; it’s a purple state.
  • Wisconsin Democracy Campaign executive director Mike McCabe • Suggesting that Wisconsin’s GOP is attempting to use its position to reorganize the state’s political structure to make it a red state. (In case you’re wondering, the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is a nonpartisan group not affiliated with another party.) And beyond the collective bargaining thing, Walker’s law is designed to cut union funding from the source – blocking unions from grabbing the money directly from paychecks, and then forcing people to vote on the union’s very existence each year. (People would also not be required to join a union, which is probably a good part of the bill.) Oh, and it gets worse – the GOP is in a position to redraw Congressional district lines as they see fit, and to force people to show IDs at the voting booth – both techniques used to hurt Democrats. Look, the union mess is one thing, but do you guys see what voters dragged into Wisconsin? That tinge you feel? Regret. source

26 Feb 2011 23:33


Tech: What happens when a student resume goes viral? Well, this.

  • We apparently need to try harder: This guy‘s resume got posted on the Huffington Post and went viral. It was even worthy of a follow-up. Which is a cool way to get attention for your job prospects. That said, though, we think that an approach like this is only useful if it has a corresponding traditional element. Conversely, though, gimmicks are how you stand out. A lot of people have noted that it’s been done, but who cares? It caught people’s attention and encourages people to look who otherwise wouldn’t have. (Though, a criticism – that box on the bottom with the circles is totally subjective and as a result doesn’t really say anything that can be quantified.) source

26 Feb 2011 23:01


U.S.: North Korea threatens South Korea. Sigh, this stuff is getting old.

  • South Korea’s traitor puppet regime must recognize the seriousness of the situation and immediately stop anti-(North Korea) psychological warfare.
  • A message from Korean Central News Agency • Which also happens to threaten gunfire at South Korea if they do that annual joint drill thing they tend to do with the United States. No, this story is not a repeat of every other time South Korea done this joint drill thing with the United States. It’s a new story. We even double-checked it and the timestamp says it was published like an hour ago. So we don’t know. In other news, we’re going to call our new pet gerbil “Traitor Puppet Regime.” It has a nice ring to it. source

26 Feb 2011 22:36


U.S.: Wisconsin: Pro-union protesters party hard today, but drama’s afoot

  • today Madison hosted its largest pro-union protest today since they started nearly two weeks ago – and the largest protest in Wisconsin since the Vietnam War.
  • tomorrow Scott Walker has had enough of this freedom and democracy stuff, apparently, as Capitol Police plan to kick protesters out of the building at 5 p.m. Sunday. source
  • » Oh, and Josh Lyman was there: Bradley Whitford, a graduate of Madison East High School best known for his time on “The West Wing,” had some pretty endearing words for the protesters as he spoke to the crowd. “You wouldn’t believe the impact this is having across the country. … Wisconsin is a stubborn constituency. We fish through ice!”

26 Feb 2011 20:28


World: Libyan envoy to U.S. drops caretaker government into suggestion box

  • He is a very honest man, a man with dignity. I hope this caretaker government will get the support of Libyans and of the international community.
  • Libyan Ambassador to the U.S. Ali Aujali • Suggesting a possible successor to Muammar Gaddafi to the international community. His suggestion, a caretaker government led by ex-Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, is notable because Abdel-Jalil is a loud-and-clear critic of Gaddafi’s recent actions who also recently claimed that he has proof Gaddafi orchestrated the Lockerbie bombing way back when. Aujali says that Abdel-Jalil “will do everything to end this regime. This government is for the whole of Libya.” But will he gain support? That’s the important part which any possible new figurehead will need. source

26 Feb 2011 19:57


Culture: Kathy Griffin dating the Old Spice Guy? Sure, why the hell not?

  • We’re not sure how we feel about this. First of all, it’s a celebrity item not about Charlie Sheen, so it wins some points for that reason alone, but Kathy Griffin – the A-lister who used her D-list status to prop herself up – is possibly dating Isaiah Mustafa, better known to just about everyone as THE OLD SPICE GUY?!?!?!!? Sure, this could be a stunt (she’s been known to do this), but whenever Griffin watches the original commercial, it might prove to be insanely meta. source

26 Feb 2011 17:47


World: Britain a little late with evacuating its citizens from Libya

  • 150 stranded oil workers rescued by British military planes source
  • » Britain’s been getting criticized lately: See, many have felt that the country has been a tad, uh, slow, in getting its citizens out of the country. In response, Britain has closed its embassy and is getting its diplomats out. As for this incident, while not all of the workers were British, many of them were. (The Brits dropped them in Malta.) Britain has upwards of 500 nationals in the country, many of them oil workers, so they have their work cut out for them.

26 Feb 2011 16:56


World: About time: Obama finally says Gaddafi must leave office

  • The President stated that when a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use mass violence against his own people, he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right for his country by leaving now.
  • A statement from the White House • Revealing the phrasing Obama used in a phone call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. It’s the first time Obama has addressed directly that Gaddafi is the problem. The statement continued by directly name-dropping the Libyan president: “The leaders reaffirmed their support for the Libyan people’s demand for universal rights and a government that is responsive to their aspirations, and agreed that Gaddafi’s government must be held accountable.” The two countries plan to work on a diplomatic response to the issue of Libya, which both believe is necessary. source

26 Feb 2011 16:33


Politics: Here’s the extent of the GOP’s compromising in Wisconsin

  • deal One Republican state senator, Dale Schultz, made a plan that would force even deeper cuts on the unions, but, in a concession, would allow them to keep their collective bargaining rights.
  • no deal Unfortunately, Schultz never submitted this proposal because every other Republican – along with Gov. Scott Walker – made it clear that there would be zero compromise. They suck. source