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31 Jan 2011 13:13


World: Egypt’s opposition groups call for one million protestors in Cairo

  • 1 million people urged to take to the streets by Egyptian opposition source
  • » Opposition groups are picking up steam: In what’s been called a significant sign that Egypt’s opposition is coalescing into a more unified front, the groups against Mubarak made a call for one million Egyptians to take to Cairo’s streets. What a unified opposition would resemble politically, though, is yet unknown. Those in want of a secular democracy in Egypt are undoubtedly concerned at the thought of the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood waiting in the wings.

31 Jan 2011 12:52


Politics: Speaker Boehner pushes back on anti-debt ceiling talk

  • That would be a financial disaster not only for our country, but for the worldwide economy.
  • Speaker Of The House John Boehner • Appearing on Fox News Sunday, the Speaker waded into the debt ceiling issue, seeming to suggest that to his mind, failure to raise the limit would be unthinkable. The nature of Boehner’s unabashed candor is very surprising, considering the Republican voices who have recently toyed with the idea of voting against raising the ceiling. This may be an early example of the internal struggle between establishment Republicanism and their new Tea Party cohorts. source

31 Jan 2011 12:23


World: Secession of South Sudan has overwhelming mandate

  • 99% of South Sudanese voted for secession source

31 Jan 2011 11:30


Politics: Obama’s China ambassador Jon Huntsman plots his resignation

Just a couple weeks after rumors started circulating about a 2012 presidential run, Obama’s ambassador to China is stepping down soonish. Coincidence? source

31 Jan 2011 11:18


Tech: Design flaws: Intel has a screwed up chipset! Let’s make fun of them!

  • $700
    the cost of fixing the flaw in their new Sandy Bridge chips; fixes will hit the market in late February
  • $300
    the amount the company is chopping off its latest revenue forecasts as a result; their stock is down today source

31 Jan 2011 11:07


World: For some reason, tourism in Egypt continues unabated

  • companies Much like the United States and other nations, corporations with interests in Europe have stopped production and have begun airlifting employees out of Egypt.
  • tourism Despite all the drama in Egypt at the moment, 30,000 tourists from the U.K. are still in the country and two major travel firms are still bringing people there. source

31 Jan 2011 10:51


World: Analyst: The military holds the cards for Egypt’s future

  • Although preparations I believe are being made by the top brass for a – in quotes – ‘respectable stepping down’ or ‘stepping aside’ of Mr. Mubarak, the military are aware that… this is a time for change. But I think they are also trying to protect themselves, and want to be very much part of the transition process.
  • Chatham House Middle East and North Africa specialist Maha Azzam • Discussing the military’s role in the Egyptian protests. While Hosni Mubarak holds onto power, it’s a very tenuous hold and one that could completely fall apart in the days to come, and the country’s powerful military is in a position best-suited to ensure the kind of leader that they want. Azzam also notes that while the lower rungs of the military appear to support the protesters, it’s not that way throughout the power structure. “In the upper echelons of the military,” he says, “we’re seeing continued support for the regime.” source

31 Jan 2011 10:20


World: The U.S. starts evacuating American citizens out of Egypt

  • 2,400 Americans on the waiting list (so far) source
  • » Only around 219 have left so far: With 52,000 Americans situated in Egypt at the moment, getting them all out, or even a good portion, might be quite the ordeal. And it’s not a cheap one for the evacuees, either. The U.S. is having the evacuees sign a clause promising to pay the government back for the trip elsewhere. The “elsewhere” varies – one flight headed to Cyprus while another headed to Athens.