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28 Feb 2010 10:32


Politics: Jim Bunning getting empathy, not support, for unemployment move

  • All Senator Bunning was saying is that it should be paid for. It will pass, though, because it’s a temporary extension.
  • Sen. Jon Kyl • Discussing Jim Bunning’s infamous blocking of an unemployment benefits extension. Both Bunning and Kyl claim that the bill didn’t pass because it wasn’t agreed upon as part of the PAYGO extension – in other words, the government didn’t have a way to pay for it. Bunning, who this Fox News article calls an “outcast,” for his part blames Harry Reid for blowing up the bipartisan bill. “All of the programs that you have talked about could have been extended and for much longer periods if Senator Reid, your leader, had not blown up the bipartisan job bill,” he noted. Still doesn’t not make you a jerk, dude. source

28 Feb 2010 10:21


Politics: The “first” tea partier doesn’t fit the traditional tea party mold

This girl right here, Keli Carender, is commonly credited as being first to the Tea Party. Really? We thought Rick Santelli was the first. source

28 Feb 2010 10:09


World: Chile earthquake: Lots of people lost their shelter in the quake

  • 1.5 million people displaced by the Chile quake source

28 Feb 2010 01:14


Culture: Dear Justin Bieber: Stop hogging the Twitter trending topics

  • It seems like every freaking day now. We don’t necessarily think it’s our place to tell a bunch of teenage girls what to think, but the Justin Bieber love is a bit much. This kid, at the tender age of 15 (he turns 16 on Monday) seems to have Twitter’s trending topics by the throat. And tonight, there he was, right behind Chile. You know, a massive earthquake that’s killed hundreds. Our question: Is he really taking over Twitter? We did some research.

His YouTube roots

  • Usher discovered him on YouTube. Perhaps it’s fitting that Bieber, teen pop’s first true social media phenomenon, was discovered that way. The interesting thing is that the videos prove that he’s really talented, and just happens to be pushed by the major labels. Interesting. source

Bieber’s rank on the charts

  • 6th Bieber’s album peak, which he hit back with “My World” back in December source
  • 16th Bieber’s single peak, which he hit in October with “One Less Lonely Girl” source
  • 2nd Bieber’s Twitter peak, which he’s at this week, according to tracker What the Trend source
  • Why is he peaking now? Simply put, he has a lot of buzz behind him – he sang the opening line to “We Are the World 25,” for example – and, more importantly, he has a new album
    coming out at the end of next month. That was quick.

Popularity against major news stories

Popularity against major pop stars

  • Jay-Z The rapper basically owned Twitter the week of his album release in September. But he faded quickly. Bieber hasn’t.
  • Gaga Lady Gaga might be the best comparison to Bieber – consistently popular week after week, moreso than Bieber.
  • Miley On the teen-pop front, his biggest competitor is losing her grip in terms of social media influence. Bieber’s ahead now.

Conclusion: Is Bieber as popular as he looks?

  • perception Every time you look at the trending topics, the perky teenage boy seemingly has the site in his (and his record company’s) pocket.
  • reality Bieber has never straight-up owned Twitter’s real estate, but he has shown a lot of consistency over the last month or so. source