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05 Nov 2009 22:30


U.S.: Exiting New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine not acting like a lame duck

  • $400 million the amount of money Corzine wants cut from the freaking budget like, uh, yesterday source

05 Nov 2009 22:23


Politics: The tea party continues. Couldn’t they call it the “McRib tour” instead?

  • If the Fort Hood shooting didn’t happen, this probably would’ve been the day’s big story. A bunch of right-leaners met up at the Capitol today to stir up some )#&@ with Congress, in an effort to break the health care bill. Mark Levin is kind of a leader of the movement. Here’s a video of him speaking today. At the link is a transcript of the other person involved, Michelle Bachmann, talking on Glenn Beck. Enjoy!source

05 Nov 2009 22:09


U.S.: Quick question: Is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan still alive?

  • YES great freaking job on reporting, 24-hour news cycle source

05 Nov 2009 21:24


Politics: On Muslims, terrorism, Fort Hood, and crazies.

  • Let’s not jump to conclusions. One of the biggest problems with the 24-hour news cycle is that a lot of misinformation gets out quickly. One of the SECOND biggest problems with the 24-hour news cycle is that many jump to conclusions, looking for an excuse to confirm their own biases and bigotry. Let’s step back a few moments and consider that A LOT OF PEOPLE JUST DIED. There will be time to consider all this stuff later, but for the love of God, let the story play out a little more before you decide to be a jerk and use this to push your agenda – no matter which side you’re on. Save that for later.

05 Nov 2009 21:15


U.S.: Obama on the Fort Hood shooting: “Horrifying” it was on an army base

  • It is difficult enough when we lose these brave men and women abroad, but it is horrifying that they should come under fire at an army base on US soil.
  • Barack Obama • Speaking about the Fort Hood shooting at a press conference today. Regarding the shooting, which killed 13 and wounded 30, he added, “We will make sure that we get answers to every single question about this horrible incident.” The Texas-based Fort Hood, by the way, is the largest military base in the world. • source

05 Nov 2009 21:06


U.S.: Who was Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan? What caused him to kill?

  • Here’s a photo maliknidalhasan1105
  • Quick vitals Psychiatrist
    Army Major
    D.C. resident
    Going to Iraq
  • Here’s a photo maliknidalhasan1105
  • Quick vitals Psychiatrist
    Army Major
    D.C. resident
    Going to Iraq
  • Why did he crack? The best explanation we have so far? Nidal Malik Hasan, a single 39-year-old who was recently promoted to Major, was angry that he had to go to Iraq. The place he shot up was used to prepare soliders to deploy. Other suspects are in custody as well. Evidence does NOT point to terrorism. source

05 Nov 2009 20:27


U.S.: The Fort Hood shooting developed quickly. Here’s a timeline.

  • A lot happened in a very short period of time. It was, in fact a very scary, very sad incident that killed many. Thanks to Dipity, a timeline-focused information portal, we can pinpoint – to the moment – that the story broke, and all the developments in the case. We wish we could take credit for coming up with this vital resource, but instead we’ll defer to Amy Webb of Webb Media Group, who put this together.source

05 Nov 2009 15:30


05 Nov 2009 10:48


Offbeat: Oh no! Douchebags are “taking back” the word!

  • What a bunch of douchebags. They claim they’re fresh, however, but this makes us want to come up with a new word to scorn them. What a bunch of santorum.source

05 Nov 2009 10:43


Tech: Daily Poll: Is Google’s new privacy-pushing Dashboard a good idea?

  • Google has a lot of data streams on you and just about everyone else. It’s a huge responsibility of theirs to keep all that information safe. So, to help build transparency in the system, the site just launched Google Dashboard. Is it a good idea? Vote about it here.source