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31 May 2009 11:34


Culture: We’re not talking about Jon & Kate’s marital problems, but …

  • … we will discuss their show’s child labor problems. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry is currently investigating the popular reality show “Jon & Kate Plus 8,” as well as host network TLC, to determine whether the show is taking advantage of a bunch of young kids. Again, we don’t care about their marital problems. We’ll leave that for the tabloids. But a reality show overworking kids is a big deal. source

31 May 2009 11:23


U.S., World: Ouch! Robert Gibbs just took a broad swipe at the U.K. press

  • If I was looking for something that bordered on truthful news, I’m not entirely sure it’d be in the first pack of clips I’d pick up. You’re not going to find very many of these newspapers and truth within 25 words of each other.
  • Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs • On British press reports that the blocked Abu Ghraib photos showed graphic scenes of torture and rape. Not to be critical or anything, but the British press – in fact, the very paper you’re criticizing, The Daily Telegraph – did just take down a sitting House of Commons speaker. You should probably give them some credit, Robert. • source

31 May 2009 10:58


U.S., World: The U.S. is throwing more Taliban-fighting troops in Afghanistan

  • 4,000 more American troops are coming in July source

31 May 2009 10:47


Sports: Sorry your season went up in smoke, Lebron James. :(

31 May 2009 10:36


Biz, U.S., World: The latest economic status update from one Timothy Geithner

  • We are seeing more durable stability in the economy and the financial system is substantially in better shape. But we have a ways to go, and we need to keep working in the U.S. and with other major economies to restore conditions for a sustainable recovery.
  • Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner • Speaking yesterday as he was traveling to China to do whatever a treasury secretary does. (Seriously, he plans to offer reassurances to the country that the U.S. is on the right track financially and that their financial investments are safe.) • source

31 May 2009 10:28


Biz, U.S.: Most of GM’s bondholders agree to a pre-bankruptcy deal

  • 50+% of bondholders agreed to a debt-for-equity exchange source

31 May 2009 10:20


Tech: Apple clonemakers alternatingly rise and fall

  • Apple has a new unauthorized clone manufacturer to deal with. Quo Computer launches this week with a L.A.-based retail outlet. They plan to prove their worth to Apple by focusing on quality.
  • Good thing they showed up when they did, because fellow clone maker Psystar just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. They’ll still sell Hackintoishes, but their lawsuit against Apple was put on hold.
  • rise
  • fall