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06 Apr 2009 09:31


Tech: T-Mobile’s riding the Google Android gravy train for all it’s worth

  • A new tablet and home phone could be in the cards. The New York Times is reporting that the mobile carrier is stretching the definition of what Android has so far meant to consumers – a single phone, the G1 – and plans to use Android in a seven-inch tablet PC and a home phone setup. They’re not alone; Samsung, HTC and Motorola, along with a host of smaller carriers, have plans to bring Android-based devices (mostly phones) to market soon. source

06 Apr 2009 08:54


World: Historic buildings took the brunt of the Italy quake

  • Most of the buildings in the city center are more than a 100 years old, and so they have walls that are a lot weaker than other palazzi that are made of reinforced concrete. So there were a lot more damages actually inside the city.
  • Joshua Brothers • An American missionary in L’Aquila, Italy, near the epicenter of the deadly earthquake. Another resident, Maria Francesco, said it “was the apocalypse, our house collapsed. It’s destroyed, and there’s nothing left to recover.” • source

06 Apr 2009 08:49


World: A quake in Italy could leave a huge death toll

  • 6.3 The magnitude of the quake, which hit L’Aquila, in central Italy, earlier today source

06 Apr 2009 08:44


Tech: Sun and IBM can’t get together for some reason

  • Sun’s shares went down precipitously, -$6.44 in pre-market trading, this morning. source