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30 Dec 2010 20:48


U.S.: Bad timing: Honda recalls snowblowers in midst of blizzards

  • 18.5k snow blowers recalled due to fuel seepage source

19 May 2010 21:13


World: Be glad you’re not Mongolian, don’t have to clean up this mess

Unless you are. In which case we feel really awful that a rough winter killed all of your livestock. The country’s entire economy could feel the ripple effects of this. source

24 Feb 2010 11:14


U.S.: A massive snowstorm is about to rock NYC like a hurricane

  • 12″ amount of snow expected by the storm; it’s being compared to a hurricane for some reason
  • 50 mph the winds expected during the massive storm, which will miss the D.C. area (yes!) source

02 Feb 2010 08:55


Offbeat: Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil is a freaking punk

  • yes Punxsutawney Phil saw his freaking shadow this morning
  • yes that could mean more winter if you trust his shade source

19 Dec 2009 12:11


U.S.: D.C. is drowning in snow, along with the rest of the East Coast

  • We are going to throw everything we have at it to keep the district open for business on this busy pre-holiday weekend.
  • D.C. mayor Adrian Fenty • On the large amount of snow that’s forcing us to type this from our #(&@!(& apartment instead of heading outside into the world at large. The Mid-Atlantic region is currently looking at 10-20″ of snow, which is like nothing if you live in Minnesota, but these jerks don’t know how to drive down here, which makes things a bit dicier. source

24 May 2009 11:20


Biz, Offbeat: The guy visiting every Starbucks can’t seem to get closure

  • 9,000+ number of Starbucks “Winter” has visited since starting Starbucks Everywhere a dozen years ago. He’s trying to visit every one. source

02 Mar 2009 09:02


U.S.: OK, South. Now it’s the East’s turn to get snowed in.

Meh. We so don’t want to go outside this morning. source