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15 Nov 2011 00:06


World: Two words you don’t normally hear together: “Whale cemetery.”

  • 15 whales found in a “graveyard”: Over the span of 15 days, paleontologists have found the remains of 15 whales, in just one area of Chile. Some of the fossils date back seven million years. Not only that, but the scientists have also discovered new species, too. “The whale discovery is a discovery of global importance,” said Sol Squire, one of the paleontologists on the project. source

23 Oct 2009 13:54


Offbeat: Humpback whales fighting: like an oceanic version of “Roadhouse”

  • A chick comes into the bar brings attention to herself. A bunch of males, who had been pre-occupied with a round or two of pool or nursing their Yuenglings, come over and try to win some attention. All of a sudden, it turns into this massive fight for the lady’s attention. In the end, the hotshot stud who looks like a whale wins out. And this, friends, is why nature programming is awesome.source

04 Aug 2009 11:26


Music: A whale of a tale: Heath Ledger’s Modest Mouse vid’s a bit dark

  • Let’s just say that Heath was dead before this ship even sank. To call this “King Rat” video twisted would be a bit modest.source