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18 Sep 2009 11:04


Tech: Palm still sold Windows Mobile phones? Well, not anymore.

  • They’re going all in with WebOS. That’s what Palm CEO Jon Rubenstein, the former Apple guy who spearheaded the Pre, says. “We’ve made the decision to dedicate all future development resources to the evolution of webOS.” And honestly, while it sucks for Microsoft (it means Windows Mobile will lose even more marketplace traction), it’s a good move for Palm. Because, honestly, why fight momentum? source

09 Sep 2009 01:58


Tech: That’s hot: The Palm Pixi gives the Pre a sexy little sister

See, Apple – is it really that hard to release an iPhone with a keyboard? Palm has your form factor AND a keyboard and still remains amazingly functional. source

08 Jun 2009 21:48


Tech: Not to steal the iPhone’s thunder, but the Pre isn’t doing bad either

  • 50,000 Palm Pres sold in two days source