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17 Dec 2010 02:07


Music: Pitchfork fulfills obvious Kanye West “best album of 2010” overture

  • But, somehow, West managed to transcend the preposterous talk show appearances, the too-good-to-be-true Twitter account, the live breakdowns, the Horus chain, the free-MP3 stunt(ing), the press blitz, the breakups, the make-ups, the dick pics, the furniture pornography, the Rosewood movement, the NO NEGATIVE BLOG VIEWING, the living paintings, the short film, and the rest of the lot. Through all that noise, we obsessed first and most deeply over the eye of the storm: the album.
  • Pitchfork writer Sean Fennessey • Revealing what’s been a straight-up given for the last month – Kanye West has Pitchfork’s top album of 2010. Considering it got a 10.0 from the site, it would have been a shocker if it wasn’t really. Past Kanye, perhaps the biggest surprise of the top twenty is Janelle Monae’s relatively low number twelve showing. The question is, who would’ve let her in the top ten? From Titus Andronicus to LCD Soundsystem to Deerhunter, the top ten overall is pretty solid, complete with James Blake’s numerous EP releases this year. Actually, we have a thought – Vampire Weekend’s “Contra” doesn’t belong there, thanks to this ad. Put Janelle Monae in its spot and give a girl with some awesome ideas her due, Pitchfork. source

16 Jul 2010 10:22


Music: Vampire Weekend’s cover model: I’m suing you jerks!

  • The thing about this photo, which Vampire Weekend made the cover of their second album, is that it looks like it could’ve been taken at any moment in the last year. People like this still exist. But no, it was taken in 1983. And now, Kirsten Kennis, the presumably middle-aged woman in the photo, has reportedly sued the band to the tune of $2 million, claiming the photographer forged her signature on the contract and the band never verified it was hers. source

12 Jan 2010 22:55


09 Jul 2009 10:31


Music: We don’t know what to make of this Discovery album. Do you?

  • The pedigree on this side project is pretty solid for indie circles – a guy from Vampire Weekend and a guy from Ra Ra Riot. But the beats on this bizarre attempt at R&B are so cheesy and over-the-top that we’re not sure whether to dance or laugh. What do you think of “LP”? Check it out above.source