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10 Sep 2009 10:30


Tech: New reason to use a Pre instead of an iPhone: Sprint goes unlimited

  • For $69.99, you can get unlimited EVERYTHING. As many iPhone fans know, the main argument against using an iPhone is the carrier – AT&T’s plans are not only expensive, but they’re spotty and often arbitrarily leave iPhone users out of the loop. Sprint, which now has a killer phone of its own in the Palm Pre (and soon, the Palm Pixi), plans to offer an unlimited plan (Any Mobile, Anytime) which is cheaper than most of AT&T’s iphone plans, AND offers more bang for your buck. Now if only Palm can stop screwing up the marketing of their phones. source

01 May 2009 19:24


Tech: Boost Mobile’s customer’s aren’t getting much of a boost

  • Boost Mobile, in response to the cruddy economy, created a $50 no-contract unlimited plan that’s proved to be very, very popular for broke people. source
  • It’s so popular, in fact, that many users of the service are complaining about slow text messaging. The influx of new users are to blame. source