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20 Sep 2011 18:04


World: Residents of central Japan advised to evacuate by typhoon warning

  • 1.3million people told to evacuate ahead of typhoon source
  • » Typhoon Roke approaches: The Japanese Meteorological Agency discovered the typhoon off the coast of southern Japan Tuesday evening, and they estimate it may reach Tokyo by Wednesday afternoon. The city of Nagoya, in particular, has suffered heavy rains and flooding as the typhoon charts its course, which the agency says brings winds at about 89 miles per hour.

01 Nov 2009 08:49


World: The Philippines have been typhoon-ravaged over the last month

  • 14+ people died in the wake of Typhoon Mirinae yesterday source

11 Oct 2009 11:03


World: The underplayed Philippines disasters: Two quick numbers

  • two number of typhoons that have hit the Philipines in the last 14 days source

27 Sep 2009 03:56


10 Aug 2009 09:27


World: Mudslides make a bad situation in China even worse

  • 600 villagers could be buried by a torrent of mud source

09 Aug 2009 12:13


World: Typhoon Morakot spews dangerous flood water on China’s coast

  • 1 million people have been moved inland in the wake of the typhoon, which is causing some of Taiwan’s worst flooding in 50 years source