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25 May 2009 19:19


Culture, Music: Pre-prison, T.I. lives his life while he still can

  • What I need y’all to do is pray for me while I’m gone. I’ll see y’all in 366 days.
  • Rapper T.I. • At a send-off-to-prison party for himself in his hometown of Atlanta, which 16,000 people attended tonight. Starting Wednesday, one of the biggest music stars in the world spends 366 days in jail. Yikes. • source

19 Apr 2009 10:51


Culture: Evidence MTV is attempting to give up its vapid ways

  • “The Buried Life,” with its “100 things I want to do before I die” conceit, will often do charitable things to help deserving people on the path to hijinks. source
  • “T.I.’s Road to Redemption” features everyone’s favorite jailbound rapper trying to help young people not make the same stupid mistakes. source
  • Nick Lachey, star of the extra-vapid “Newlyweds” with ex-wife Jessica Simpson, helps out performing arts kids in his hometown on “Taking the Stage.” source
  • Hold up – why isn’t one of these “MTV plays music videos again”? Because then we’d care. This just feels like another stop on the road to irrelevance. source

27 Mar 2009 11:40


Music: T.I. can’t give you whatever you like; he’s going to jail

  • 366 days in jail for the rap superstar, due to weapons charges source

26 Feb 2009 10:32


Culture: Chris Brown: “Erased” from a trailer, in anger management

  • Sounds like someone had a PR nightmare. Brown, arrested for allegedly roughing up Rihanna, is in a film called “Bone Deep,” out in 2010. His co-star is T.I., who will likely be in jail when the flick comes out. But T.I. wasn’t taken out of the ads. Brown was. (He still remains in the film itself.) Also, Brown started anger management on Monday, which isn’t required but he hopes will improve his public image. Yeah. About that image … source