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01 Nov 2010 20:55


Culture: Pee-Wee Herman: A bit older, but still a child at heart

Is there anyone more deserving of a comeback than Pee-Wee Herman/Paul Reubens? With his upcoming Broadway show, we pretty much have to say no. source

29 May 2010 12:29


Culture: Gary Coleman is staying on “Avenue Q,” despite his death

  • The play gave Coleman a tribute, complete with weeping. “Avenue Q” has gotten a lot of mileage out of making fun of Gary Coleman over the years, a fate which looked fraught with controversy in the wake of his death. But despite that, the show went on with him last night, and it looks like it’ll continue to go on with him. “After watching it tonight, I would miss him too much,” said the play’s book writer, Jeff Whitty. “Personally, I would miss him terribly.” source

28 May 2010 19:46


Culture: With Gary Coleman’s death, “Avenue Q” has a big problem

  • While everything in life may be only for now, we suspect that Gary’s legacy will live on for many years to come. Gary’s memory will certainly endure in the hearts and minds of those of us who live on Avenue Q.
  • A statement from the crew of the off-Broadway performance of “Avenue Q” • Regarding the death of Gary Coleman. Here’s the problem they face. One of the main characters of the play is based on the deceased “Different Strokes” star (without Coleman’s consent), and the play goes out of its way to make fun of him. One of the songs about Coleman is called “It Sucks to Be Me.” They plan on doing a tribute tonight, but we’re guessing it’s going to be tough to reconcile Coleman’s tragic death with the satire on his life. source

08 Jun 2009 22:51


Culture: We don’t care about the Tony Awards or Bret Michaels. So we love this.

  • In a classic TV moment, Bret Michaels was injured by the Tony Awards. OK, we don’t like following the ins and outs of theatre’s biggest night, nor do we think Poison has a place on any stage – not even the Tony Awards. So it was great to watch how a set piece came crashing down on Bret Michaels, breaking his nose and cutting his lip. Which, according to the YouTube video, was way less than he should’ve gotten from that. source

18 May 2009 20:59


Culture, World: It’s “Springtime For Hitler” in Germany, and it’s going over well

We’re guessing when Mel Brooks first made “The Producers,” he didn’t think it would play in Berlin. But here it is, playing in Berlin. source