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07 Sep 2010 00:07


World: Dear Pastor Terry Jones: Afghanistan doesn’t like you either

  • florida Paster Terry Jones plans to burn a bunch of Korans this week as part of “Burn a Koran Day” on 9/11. Classy, dude, classy.
  • afghanistanAfghans, however, didn’t wait to burn American flags and an effigy of Jones in anticipation of the pretty dumb event. source

26 Aug 2010 10:39


Politics: Pastor Terry Jones: Crazy Koran-burning dude gets death threats

  • I have no experience with it whatsoever. I only know what the Bible says.
  • Pastor Terry Jones • Regarding his experience with the Koran, which he plans to burn next month, on September 11th. As you might imagine, such an action is extremely controversial, and many people do not like Jones’ plan, which he’s talked about with 150 different media outlets. He’s gotten death threats. “We have to be careful,” he says. “The overall response has been much greater than we expected.” Jones is based out of Florida, which has been a hotbed of anti-Islamic activity of late, most notably a pipe bomb attack at a mosque back in May. source

31 Jul 2010 10:38
